Chapter 11

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Dick's pov

"Is my dicky-bird ready for his surprise" Bruce as batman said "yeah I'm ready" I ran excitedly to the teleporting thing. "wait a minute you can't go as Dick Grayson" Batman said I was puzzled until he pulled out a robin suit I went to go get change. My excitement died down when I realize what if they don't like me? I was scared. "come on Robin" Batman said walking to the teleporting thing. I ran to catch up to him as we teleported there I walked in Batman's cape.

I peeked out all the league "awwww" Cooed the league. They start to introduce the self but I stopped them. "I already know who you all are, (he say everyone Id) because I hacked the bat computer and the league files.....oops you wasn't suppose to know that...are you mad?" I said looking up at batman. The league had shock faces and batman, well he just had a small smirk. I smiled.

A kid came out from be hide the flash and speed to me. "hiI'mguessingyourRobinandimKidFlashbutyouprobabyalreadyknow.I'm11yearsold" this kid flash said at fast speed. I barely understood him. "I'm going to call you kf because kid flash is a mouth full and I hope we can become best friends" I said stepping out from Batman cape. Batman introduce me to the other leaguers "sure you can call me kf if I could call you rob" kf said. "Deal" I said. I look at the others

" can I call you guys my uncles and aunties?" I said remember I had barely have any one left in my family. "well ....,"the league started. Batman gave the all famous batglare at them. "yes. You can" they stuttered and smiled."sooooo wanna to go play?" Kf asked. I looked up to Batman and he nodded and then we was off.

Sandy's pov

I woke up in my room it was dark. I looked around. There was a note. I could barely read. But it said put something suit. I'm guessing it said to wear that suit I saw. Few minutes later. I put on the suit that was in my closet.

      My cheek still stings from the slap from earlier

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My cheek still stings from the slap from earlier. I got up and head to the door and open it. surprisingly I looked around it was Pitch Black, suddenly the lights turned on and Slade was across from me . H ae had a sword and hand me a knife and without saying a word he ran up to me and the training begin.

Batman's pov

I told the league to keep an eye on the sister I explain everything and they had a look of pity on their faces. I was determined to find Dick sister for his sake. No matter what it takes.

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