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it's time. sam and dean had set up their guns and the recital/exorcism book in case they need it. although none of them believe that what they found is the solving of the problem, but it's better when you're prepared to face a ghost.

it turned out, the book rory left in the park when having a fight with sam and dean was still there, untouched. apparently, ever since the news spreading about the spirit, nobody dared to spend their time there. parents don't allow their kids to play there either. they'd rather travel twenty minutes from home to jog and let their children run wild and free in another farther park rather here, though it wouldn't happen in daylight.

sam and dean watched as rory took a seat inside the hole again. it is in the plan. although danny's spirit do not echo. reading Alice In Wonderland for the fourth times actually makes her bored, but danny loved that book so much and she cannot let go of his habit when it comes to reading. she feels so close with him when reading the book.

the thing that she didn't like that book because she hated all the weird characters in them, especially that creepy smile of the cat, but danny loved it. so she tried to love it as well by reading so many times, though not succeed.

and finally, the wind comes. unlike yesterday, rory was oblivious when danny came beside her. today, Rory was fully aware when he came approaching her only she acted she didn't notice him. she thought it would spoil their original plan so she acted like there has nothing happened.

"i thought you hate Alice In Wonderland?" said daniel. "want to explain to me why you suddenly like that book?"

rory smiled, lowering the book to her laps upon hearing his voice. she turned to see danny, meeting his blue eyes as warm as his heart. sometimes, when you're too stressed out at work, it was enough to see danny's eyes to regain your energy.

"it's just that this book makes me feel so close with you."

"i know you love me." danny smiled.

"yeap. you know me too well."

"i'm your husband. 'course i know," danny said, proud of himself. "come. let's sit there."

daniel offered his hand, in which rory took it without a second thought. she had forgotten how a dead person felt like until the moment when her skin came in contact with daniel's and she immediately regretted it, because danny's hand was so cold. not how it used to be.

"how are you?" rory asked referring to what happened yesterday.

"i'm fine." danny gave rory an assuring smile. "though, i must say, it hurt a lot. the salt."

"i'm sorry." rory sighed. "my brothers didn't know."

"nah, it's alright," danny replied. "compared to what i've done to you and what your brother did to me? nothing is hurtful than leaving someone you love."

rory didn't reply because she doesn't know what to say.

"k want to applogise, rory. i know i hurt you a lot for you to bear with it. but it also hurt me to see you ignoring me when you know i'm here. it's like...." daniel took a deep breath and shook his head, as if not believing this is happening. "it feels like someone stole your song and claimed them as theirs."

he paused for a second.

"really, rory, i didn't mean to. i just want you to see me, that's all."

"but how did you do that?"

"do what?"

"traveling? how are you here? you've been buried up miles away so how come are you here?"

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