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rory couldn't sleep that night. after tossing and turning; after making scenes of what she wanted to happen; after countless of time she wished this was not happening, she couldn't seem to shut her brain off. the fight with dean and sam rewind in her head and, not only she felt guilty towards her brothers, but to danny, her late husband. there were so many thing where she wished she could change and one of them is sam shooting him.

she was only twenty-two when they married. yes, they were very young, but they were so in love. they met when rory followed her brothers hunting at a small town and danny was having a tour as a new artiste. a singer of a band. it was a brief introduction because sam and dean were rushing, but she managed to slip her phone number into danny's jeans and since then they talk and seeing each other.

rory was afraid, though, at first. dean loves to tease sam about girlfriend and, he sure do, loves to tease her about boyfriend as well. but that doesn't mean dean was okay with her having a boyfriend at all. that's what she's afraid of, bringing danny home to introduce him to her brothers. however, after one night, it turned out dean was asking about danny a lot more than rory expected. turned out, dan and dean have the same taste of music. even their names would make a perfect duo artiste.

that's how she knows dean likes him and doesn't mind of her being with danny. dean doesn't mind rory following him on tours rather than following them hunting because he knows it would be safer for her to be with danny rather than him. rory is innocent. the one who's special is sam and the one who's brave is dean. but they all need each other. that's why they let rory live on her own.

danny was having a week break when it all happened. rort was home from work and was tired, meanwhile danny only needed to talk. they were already married that time. for about three years. rory remember what they were fighting about. it was not because of children, no. it was because daniel wanted her to quit her job and be his personal asisstant.

but of course, rory doesn't want to because being daniel's personal asisstant means being away from her home and brothers forever. and that means not meeting her brothers for so, so long and God knows when will they meet again next time. dean could be in pieces and sam could be not sam anymore. she's afraid of losing her brothers, just like how she's afraid of losing dad. rory refused to follow and wants to stay home.

but daniel. he's just want Rory to be with him. that night it all suddenly burst out. danny telling rory how he was so sick of her behaviour of being selfish. apparently, they weren't meant to be together, according to daniel, because rory didn't understand his job. and then, suddenly, the topic about rory cheating him came out and rory didn't know where it all came. but of course it wasn't true. none of them were true. they were all only danny's emotion.

when rory slammed the door of her room shut, daniel went out. only he was driving too fast and he's got hit by another car. but danny didn't die right then and there. after two months of being in a coma, he was finally awake, but only for one day. his life was taken after he was done apologising to rory and her brothers.

rory moved to another town after that, couldn't bear to live in a house that has some much memories with her late husband. the first year went well. but the second year.... rory didn't know how the spirit of daniel could trace her there, but he did. and she didn't know why. she was afraid at first, but when danny never disturbed her, she was okay. she tried to let him go but the more she did that, the more he appeared and more girls he called and went crazy. although on the news, there were only around four reported being crazy. maybe the rest could be saved by recitals. that one rory didn't care much.

she took another turn on her bed, under the sheets. she stopped when she heard sam calling her from the floor.

"couldn't sleep?" he asked, concerned about her little sister.

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