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sam and rory ended sleeping on the couch in the living room, with both of their computers still running on the coffee table. rory's conputer was connected to the printer. papers scattering on the floor that you could not know which one is first.

when dean finally woke up that morning and saw his younger siblings like that, he felt guilty for the event that happened the other night, although that sigh warmed his heart. to be truth, he couldn't sleep the either. it was five when he finally found a good position to sleep in and dozed off until ten. it was enough, he thinks, until the next hunt.

the eldest brother went to the kitchen and made do of whatever rory has in the fridge and in the cabinet. he decided to make breakfast for rory as an apology. even though that kid already thirty years old, but he still sees her like a little girl. oh, now, he's talking like a father.

while dean was busy in the kitchen, sam awoke. the noise of the hissing eggs was enough to shake sam. he was not as a heavy sleeper as dean and rory.

"hey, what're you up to?" sam said groggily to his brother at the kitchen, standing there with his eyes barely open. he was still adjusting to the bright light.

"hey, good morning," dean said. "just making some breakfast here. you go brew the coffee."

without being told twice, sam went to make some drinks with his slow and lazy just-woke-up pace. one in a while dean would watch him, to see if he's making it right, just like how rory likes for her coffee. when they finished, dean told sam to wake rory up. and again, sam didn't protest and barely made any reaction with what he's been told.

"rory." sam shook the girl with his fingers on her shoulders. "rory wake up."

but rory made no move. she continued to sleep heavily.

"rory. wake up!" sam's voice was louder, shaking her with his hands rather than with his fingers. "hey, you dammit, wake up!"

"RORY, WAKE UP!" dean shouted from the kitchen causing the girl to jump and woke up like there was an apocolypse. dean laughed as sam stepped back, startled with rory's reaction.

"oh,i hate you, dean!" rory grunted lazily. she pinched her head as it was dizzy when she was up unprepared.

"it's almost noon, sleepy head. wake up! we've got some works to do."

"what work? there's no work today. it's my off day," rory mumbled.

"not your work, but our work," dean emphasised. sam was already sitting with him at the dining table and starting to eat his breakfast.

"what?" rory looked at her brother like he's speaking in another language.

"why don't you take a shower first? get your senses ready. and then we'll talk."

rory looked at dean for a few seconds without replying. in her mind, she was still interpretting what her brother just told her. later, when it came to her, she stood up to her room, took her towel and clothes and clean up herself.

"jesus, you guys are so worn out. what did you guys do last night?"

"researching," sam answered shortly. his head is bent down too low that his long hair cascading his face like a girl being shy.

"about daniel?"

sam nodded.

"what you found?"

sam shook his head.


sam nodded his head.

"nothing??" dean grimaced. "you guys were staying up all night and found nothing?"

sam nodded his head again.

"you sure?"

sam lifted his head and looked at his brother in annoyance.

"okay, okay, i'm just joking." dean backed away seeing sam's creepy face looking at him. "oh my God, you look like a zombie."

sam didn't respond, instead he continued finishing his breakfast.

they didn't talk again after that. dean knew too well not to disturb sam after his rough night researching about danny with rory. so the house stayed silent for a good fifteen minutes until rory appeared, and sam taking his turn to shower.

"morning," rory greeted, brighter. "oh, what we've got here?" she smiled widely as she take a look what's on the table.

"nothing much," dean answered. "just something easy to make."

"ah, this is so nice," rory said after taking a bite of dean's homemade omelette. yes, it was simple, but it was enough to make rory happy. if everyone else has their mother's cooking, she has her brother's cooking. "you got any plans today?" she asked dean happily as if there was nothing happened the other night.

"uh, no, i guess apart from tonight?"

"oh." rory nodded her head understood. "do you mind if I ask you to run some groceries? i need to continued look up about the stuff about danny."

"yeah, sure." dean nodded, looking at his little sister suspiciously. she was too happy after a bad night. she was too energetic with him after what happened last night. "rory, do you have something to tell me?"

rory glanced at her brother before her eyes turned back to her breakfast. "no."


rory's munch began to slow down. her eyes continued to look down as she spoke. "i'm sorry." not purposely she pulled her puppy dog face. "i'm sorry what happened yesterday. i thought if i tell you about danny, you won't believe me. that's why i decided to go there alone and ask him everything i needed to know."

dean sighed when the memories of rory sitting beside the ghost of danny coming back to his mind. it looked odd to see them together again because one was dead. also that moment when he raised his voice at rory, yelling and accusing her. what happened, happened and he could not do anything, but still. he felt guilty.

"no, i am sorry," dean said. "i shouldn't let everything out in front of you. i was just worried about you. like i said, you and sam are-"

"save it," rory cut him, resulting a confused glare from dean. "look, sam and i have made a plan for tonight. i will get there when the wind comes and you and sam will not be there with me."

dean opened his mouth to protest, but rory held up her hand to shut him.

"listen first," rory said sternly. dean obeyed. "just like what i did yesterday, i will sit on the swing with him, have a chit chat like it is normal. k know he's a ghost, alright? tou don't have to remind me." rory sighed.

"so i'll be with him. you and sam will be hiding near by me. somewhere within earshot so you'll hear when i call you. i want this to be a proper goodbye, okay? even though he'd done that before he passed, but i am thinking of giving him another chance."

rory stopped, looking at her brother as if expecting him to object. well, at first, dean was about to do that, however, he didn't. and rory wondered what was happening in his head. there must be a lot to complain.

"wait, i'm sorry." dean shook his head as if he didn't believe his sister. "so you're asking us to meet him?"

rory nodded her head. "yes. danny may have his reasons why he's still here. i want you guys to know, but he won't tell if you guys are around. he'll only talk to me."

"and sam agreed on this?"

"who cares if you guys agree or not? i'll still stick to my plan."

dean rolled his eyes. "thusThis is not a joke, rory. daniel is-"

"not an ordinary spirit, yes, i know. you and sam said it a thousand times and i get it. but i trust him, alright? you don't have worry about it."

dean let out a long sigh. there were too many flaws in rory's plan, but he didn't know which to point. maybe this is the only way to free danny, but still. dean was not feeling good.

"okay," dean finally said. "we'll follow your plan."

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