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"hey, take a look at this," sam said as they were having breakfast in rory's kitchen. there were nothing much, but it was enough for the three siblings to fill up their empty stomach. "four girls were reported to have some crazy talks about a man they newly met."

rory looked unamused meanwhile dean had scrunching up his face with his brows in a deep frown. "crazy talks about a man they newly met?" dean repeated as if to make sense out of it. "where is this?"

"here. it's happening right here," sam answered. "it says in the park. some girls went to the park at night after having a fight with their boyfriends. and then they saw a man and he sat with them. they talk and shared a kiss. right after that moment, they - the girls - couldn't stop talking about him."

"what is this? some kind of imaginary boyfriend? someone who....who tried to help some broken-hearted girl? be the hero that save them?" dean grunted. "come on, man, this is ridiculous."

sam shrugged. "seems like it. but here's the sitch: it says, whenever the girl goes back to the park the second time, that - whoever the guy was - wasn't there anymore and they went crazy."

"so what, they fall in love with a ghost?"

sam shrugged.

dean had hais arms crossed on his chest. "huh, really a mystery," dean said monotonously. "i don't buy it. it could be just some games a teenager put into."

"i don't know," sam said. "it might look like it, but coming back the second time and went crazy when they didn't meet him? i don't think it's a doing of a human. i mean, i've never heard some boys mending and breaking a girl's heart a big issue like this. plus, they always said the same. and the man disappeared just like that? the girls go crazy? dean, this is our thing."

dean didn't give a quick response. he stared into spaces. as much as he wants to believe it, he couldn't. what sam had read for them was not convincing him enough that that was supernatural. it could be teenagers playing tricks. kids nowadays really don't have common sense.

moreover, he's here for a reason and his reason was not hunting ghosts. no hunting supernatural thing and whatnot. he was here for rory. he wants to spend the time with his little sister and sam together as a family. he doesn't want to care about ghosts and the girls at all. he doesn't care if they go crazy. but he cares if he goes crazy with sam's stupid bargain.

dean went around the house with his hands on his hips, thinking. "i don't know, sam. i thought we have a deal."

this time, rory was confused. some part of her felt cheated when her brothers didn't tell her. but tell her what? "what deal?" rory spoke for the first time since they talk about the case.

dean recognised his younger siblings voices. especially that sam and rory are two different genders. he didn't have to turn around to see was asking it.

"rory. when we decided to come here, we had a deal," dean said seriously. he was back-facing rory and sam. he couldn't look at them. "that we're here to spend time together as a family. i mean, sam and i have been out hunting for too long that we forgot you sometimes, rory. yeah, we forgot you. so i thought going back here is the break from everything."

to hear it came out from his own brother was hurt. rory was was totally speechless when dean said that they forgot her sometimes, but then again, she has to be grateful that dean had thought about this. she didn't know her brothers would have that kind of deal for her. not like she doesn't care, but she's used with it sometimes. calling sam or dean and they never picked up. not meeting them for half the year. sam and dean always say they're okay when it's not. being lied about their father. she's used to being forgotten sometimes. but what dean and sam were doing it now, of course, she appreciates it.

"i understand, dean, but this," sam motioned his hand towards his laptop and shook his head. "we have a spirit haunting this town. rory's town. our little sister is living in it. and some other girls have gone crazy because of this....mad man or something. don't you worry that one day rory might be the next victim?"

dean shrugged. "i don't think so."

sam and rory looked at their eldest brother with an eyebrow raised.

"because she doesn't have a boyfriend."

rory and sam, both rolled their eyes at dean and snorted.

"what? we all know i'm right. and that's why i am not that worried. plus, how long is this thing have been going on? if it's long, sure enough, rory have been possessed by it by now. her husband died in a car crash and she was mourning." dean talked about rory's late husband almost too casually that it made rory's heart skipped abit. although rory had moved on, but it was still hard not to wince when dean says it like it's nothing.

sam turned back around to his laptop while shaking his head. in silence, rory watched her second brother typing the computer.

"it just happened," sam told dean.

"see!" dean threw his hands up in annoyance. "we're not going after this thing and that's final. let other experts do it. i'm out of here." he walked away, snatching rory's car keys and drove away.

sam was out of words. well, none of them. when dean closed the door harshly, rory thought she had to buy another door to replace the old one, but thank God, it didn't crack. and dean was not a hulk. after a few minutes of recollecting himself, sam turned to rory. "other experts? is there anyone here knows how to stop this thing?"

rory shook her head. "as far as I know, there's none," she answered.

sam sighed intensely and shook his head, pressing his lips into a thin line, annoyed with dean.

both of them were silent again after that. sam was still in front of his laptop, looking for the information about what's happening with the town while rory getting ready for work. she asks sam to drop her by, knowing dean wouldn't like it if she uses his car anywhere. she didn't dare to drive the baby either. she's a good driver, but having dean as your brother, good things could turn bad.

"rory," sam called softly. they were at the curb of rory's working place. "you know, if this thing is supernatural....we have to stop it right?"

rory looked at her brother for a few seconds before nodding her head. "yeah, i know."

"and you know you can tell me everything, right? like how you used to tell me about your first boyfriend and marrying danny?"


sam smiled at his sister. "don't hesitate, this time, okay? yes, me and dean are here for some 'family vacation' but, um," sam laughed at the word, didn't know why it sounded so ridiculous. "hunting things together is what we do as a family, right? three of us."

"sam." rory smiled. "i am happy that you and dean come here to visit me. even for one day. even when we need to hunt. i don't mind. as long as we do things together."

sam smiled again. "good. now, go."

rory opened the car's door and headed for work.


Gosh, I feel like I'm writing an Avengers ff when I keep repeating to write the word 'together' 😆

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