Ch.7 - Ask her

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Y/n's pov

The past week and a half have been pretty productive for us. We've gotten tons of info on Marco and who he is connected to business wise so we know exactly how to sell our act while we're this revel he's having. On another note the girls have bonded with the three of us so the awkward tension of having us around has disappeared, O and Rose became a couple. Clarke and Kelley are practically there but Clarke needs to woman up and ask Kelley out. Chief found out that their in relationships and he said as long as we complete the mission he's fine with it which surprised me I thought he would be mad. The three of us are currently watching the girls practice and talking about Marco.

"We all know what to do the day of the reveal right?" I asked making sure they know the plan.

"Yes, you and O are going and I'm going to be your eyes and ears because I'll be hacked into their computers" Clarke said and I smile.

"Yup then you and I chat up some people eat some of the fancy food they have there do some snooping and stop Marco question him and find out who S is." O said and I nod

"Yeah more or less O" I said and she laughs.

"So O how's Rose?" I asked

"She's great I really like her" she said smiling

"Hey Clarke when are you gonna woman up and ask Kelley out?" I asked and O agreed with me catching on to what I was doing.

"Yeah it's pretty clear she's waiting for you to ask" O said and I nod in agreement

"I'll ask her when Y/n over here woman's up and asks Mal out on a date." Clarke said smirking

"Yeah you guys should have had your first date by now" O said

"Woah woah woah where supposed to be talking about you and Kel not me and Mal" I said pointing at Clarke.

"At least Kelley and I have been on a few dates, that's more than you and Mal" she said smirking. I roll my eyes at her.

"Fine I'll ask Mal out if you ask Kelley" I said and I see her eyes widen for a split second clearly surprised by what I said.

"Alright fine you got a deal L/n" she said and I nod. We look at the girls and see that their on the cool down lap of practice so we make our way down to the field. Rose goes to O and they start talking, Clarke starts talking to Kelley and I talk to some of the others and I see Mal walk by so I excuse myself and catch up to her.

"Hey Mal I-" I started but got cut off by Jill who told the girls to grab their stuff and to get on the bus.

"We'll talk later" I said and she laughs

"You say that a lot but we never get around to actually 'talk later' " she says using quotation marks when she says talk later.

"Yeah well this time I promise we'll talk later" I said and she smiles

"I'll hold you to that then" she said walking away. I walk to the back of the bus and sit down.

"Did you ask?" O says

"Didn't get the chance we got interrupted" I said and they nod "But, I will later today so don't think your out of hot water yet Griffin" I said looking at Clarke and she sighs.

We arrive at the hotel and the girls do recovery and we go to our room to check emails. Clarke said that chief wants us to check a lead on smuggled weapons not far from our location.

"Dibs on going" Clarke and I say at the same time and O rolls her eyes.

"Fine" she mumbles. Clarke and I head out the door but I bump into Mal on the way out of the hotel.

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