Ch.2 - Airport trouble

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Y/n's pov

I wake up at 4am due to my alarm going off. I get out of bed and I shower and get dressed, I quickly eat some breakfast and I grab my keys and head out to my car and I look in the backseat to make sure I have everything. I drive to the airport and go through security showing them my badge and they let me pass.

I meet up with Clarke as we wait for Octavia to arrive and minutes later we spot her looking around for us so we wave her over.

"Alright, chief is letting us use the private jet so we should be landing in LA in about an hour." I said and they nodded. We walk out to the private jet and get on.

"Alright ladies my name is Mike and I'll be your pilot for today" He said and we nod. "We'll be taking off in five minutes so buckle up". He goes back into cockpit and we buckle up.

"So Y/n when we get there what exactly are we looking for?" Clarke asked

"Don't really know I guess just anything that looks suspicious chief didn't really give much detail on who was trying to hurt the girls" I said and they nod. "When we arrive there should be a rental car to take us to the hotel that the girls are also staying at we have the penthouse on the top floor of the hotel." I continued and they smiled.

"What time does their plane get in?" Octavia asked

"3:30 so we have time to get back to the airport to make sure nothing goes wrong when they arrive" I said.

"How many girls are we looking after?" Clarke asked

"23 I believe maybe more" I said questions like this kept coming and I answered them and as soon as I answered Octavia's last question we touched down in LA.

"Alright let's grab our bags and head out to secure the hotel" I said and the nod. We drive to the hotel which was half an hour away and check in and we walk into the room.

"I call this room" Octavia shouted and we chuckle

"O all the rooms are the same" Clarke said and I laughed as she blushed

"Right I knew that" she said putting her stuff down. We set up our equipment and I pass out ear pieces and we test them out to make sure they work. By the time we get everything settled it's time to get the girls from the airport.

"Alright I want eyes on them at all times, Clarke watch from a distance on their left and O you on the right. I'll keep an eye on them from the second floor." I said and they nod "Remember stick to the shadows and blend in unless something happens" I said getting out of the car. We enter the airport and I make my way upstairs.

"Anyone have eyes?" I asked

"I see them they just came through the gate with them now" Octavia said

"Copy I see them" I said following from upstairs. I walk over the the banister and lean against it looking around and I see a guy dressed in black talking into a wire and I look around to see who he's talking to and I see 5 other guys spaced out in the crowd.

"We have 6 guy's all dressed in black, they are more than likely armed" I said making my way downstairs when I see one of the guys pull a gun out.

"Clarke, O get the girls out of here now" I said tackling the guy as her fires off a few bullets. He tries to shoot me but I turn the gun just in time so he shoots himself. I grab his gun and look around and shoot another guy that was aiming at me.

"Clarke where are you guys" I ask

"We got all the girls safe and O and I are with them right now in some kind of tech room their security got shot down" she said

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