Hiding something

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Alex's POV

We gave Johas his money and now we are free from him. For now.

Good thing it was a Sunday, I'm a top achiever student at school and I don't need any extra homework.

I'd like to get into a good college next year.

"Okay so we're done right? I can go home." Lisa said.

"Yeah we're done." Fredo said.

Ryan and Chaz had already gone home because he was complaining that he did not have breakfast and blah blah blah.

"Yo Rebecca. Inject this into your sister, and your mom and dad." I said. I gave her and injection that erases people's mind from the last week.

"What!? Why." She asked.

"It'll erase their minds from the last week." Jason explained.

"But...that means I'll have to go to boarding school." She said.

"Sorry, but we can't have Alisa and your parents knowing about all this." Jason said.

"Okay...what about the gang?" She asked.

"You can survive solo right?" Jason asked.

"Well yeah, but..." she began.

"See? That's good." Jason said.

"But...what if the police find me." She asked.

"You have our numbers..." Jason said.

She sighed and took the injection from me. Then we arrived at her house.

Alisa's POV.

I was in my warm amazing bed. I missed it. But i wish that Lisa was here.

Austin :
Hey babe.

Me :
I told you, it's over

Austin :
You can't do this

Me :
Why? Scared you won't
Be popular anymore.

Austin :
I'm sorry. I'm sorry I haven't been a great boyfriend,
I'm sorry I've been abusive
I'm sorry I'm enemies with your friends

Me :
I've heard that 1000 times.
You should just give up.

Austin :
Come on please.

Austin :
I'll change

Austin :

Austin ;
Alisa pick up.

I don't have time for that. Just then I was pushed to the floor and someone got on me.

"Lisa?" I asked. "What are you doing!?"

She pinned me down and took out some injection, needle, thing.


Well that didn't help. She grabbed my hands and tied them together.

"Is this even Lisa!?" I screamed.

Then my arm stung for a moment. Aftwards I started seeing black dots.

"I'm sorry. I'm just tryna protect you."

Those were the last words I heard before I felt her untie me and everything went dark.

Lisa's POV

I can't believe I just did that.

I stood up and walked to moms room.

Here go's. I took a deep breathe. It's a good thing mom is asleep because if she wasn't, all hell soul be raised.

"It's okay. I'll do it." I heard a voice. I had a mini heart attack. I slowly turned around and saw my dad.

"What...what are you doing here?" I asked.

"It's okay. I know all about it. I've been out...doing some work with the FBI." He said.

"So you're spying on me?" I asked.

"I won't arrest you." Dad said.

"Then..." I began.

"I'm also in a gang. Don't tell anyone." He said as he smirked and took out his needle thing.

I smiled back and then walked out of the room.

"On and Lisa..?" Dad said.


"Thanks for saving Alisa."

"I see. FBI was creepin huh. Wait a minute. If you work for the FBI how are you in a gang?" I asked.

"Your mom's waking up. You should get going." Dad said.

I walked back to my bedroom.

"Hey Lisa." Said Alisa causally.

"Wassup." I said.

"I have no idea. I just woke up on the floor." She said.

"Haha. You probably fell off your bed or something." I said.

She laughed back.

"Morning dear." I heard mom say.

Wow. That was quick. Dad was fast.

"Hi mom." I replied.

"Have you started packing yet? You're leaving for boarding school next week." Mom said.

"Oh. Um...yeah. I'll start packing afterschool." I said.

Alisa's POV.

"Oh. Um...yeah. I'll start packing afterschool." Lisa said.

Oh yeah. She's leaving. I feel so bad for snitching on her. But at least she went to that party with me last night. Starting to mention it...what happened last night? It's all such a blur.

"You two better get ready for school." Mom said as she walked downstairs to start making breakfast.

"What happened to you? Why are you bruised in so many places?" I asked.

Lisa looked unsure. She probably didn't know how to say it.

"Are you being bullied at school?" I asked.

I know she doesn't want to say it, but I'm her sister. I'll always support her.

"What. No. I just....fell down the stairs." She lied.

Maybe she isn't bullied, maybe it's something I don't know about. I walked out to go take a shower. As soon as I came back I slipped on whatever Lisa was wearing and walked downstairs.

I quickly ate my breakfast and me and Lisa walked to the school bus and sat at the back.

"Alisa you're back!!! We missed you man!!" That nerd kid said. I forgot his name though.

"What do you mean I'm back?" I asked.

"Let's play truth or dare." Lisa said changing the topic. What is she hiding?

Hey people!!!

Yeah I know you're getting bored. I'm also bored of my own story😧that's how terrible it is. But don't worry, the next chapter will be the saddest, juiciest and the most heartbraking chapter ever!!!🔥🔥

But sadly...that will probably be the last chapter. I've enjoyed writing this and I MIGHT think about making a sequel.

The next chapter will be long because there's a lot of drama that's gonna be going on.

Love you guys

And I'd like to say thanks to @JustinBieber422 for reading up until this point because it's been so boring...THATS WHAT I CALL LOYALTY

And thanks to all the rest of my readers😂😂no I haven't forgotten about y'all.

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