Oh my gosh

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Alisa's POV

"Listen up students!! We don't know where the fire is! SO THEREFORE YOU MAY ALL GO HOME!!" The principal said.

"Yyyaaaayy" people said as they ran to get their bags and stuff.

What. Yay okay. At least I can go home now.

"Alisa!" I heard someone say. Natasha.

"Wassup?" I said.

"Ew please don't say wassup." Pearla said.

"Yeah whatever," I replied.

"We were thinking...since we are done with the day at school, and we pretty much have the rest of the day to ourselves. Why not go on a shopping spree?!" Natasha asked.

"Yeah no. I'm busy." I said.

"Come on it'll be-" Natasha said.

"I said no." I replied.

"I'm sure they'll be cute boys there." Stacey said.

"You guys done understand the word no? If you guys wanna go then go ahead but please leave me out of it." I said.

"Um...Alisa. Um.." said some other nerd.

"Oh Jonah. What's up?" I said.

"I...um...well..." he said.

"Yeah that's great hon, I've got to go now." I said.

"No wait...I..." he said.

This guy is wasting my time right now.

"She's busy so please nerd. Beat it." Pearla said.

"Pearla, why don't YOU beat it." I said.

Like..this poor boy is trying and she wants to be rude JUST BECAUSE she's popular. No wonder people don't like her.

"Excuse me?" She said.

"You heard me." I said.

She huffed and then sashayed away. Stacey and Natasha smirked and said goodbye to her.


"And you were saying..." I said as I turned to the nerd boy.

"Well...will You....I.....I like you." He said.

"Eww!" Stacey shrieked. I gave her the "would you just shut up" face.

"Aww. That's so cute. I like you too." I said. He smiled such a big smile.

"Really!!" He asked.

"Yeah sweetie." I said. He looked like he had just won the lottery. He ran and gave me a bear hug. I hugged back.

"I knew it!! My friends owe me some serious money!!" He said as he ran to his nerd friends.

I laughed and then started walking to the school gates.

"Yo!" Said someone else.

"Andrew. What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"Have you seen Lisa!?" He asked.

"No of course not." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." He said as he walked away.

I'm seriously going to slap him one day.

I started walking to the school gates.

"Alisa!" Someone said.

Favourite Girl (A Jason McCann fan fic) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now