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I laughed as I watched an the wrong side of YouTube.  It was one of the older ones that I had seen before but still funny.

"Rem! Someone's at the door for you!" One of my roommates Kim said.

I rolled out of bed. I was wearing a tank top and pajama shorts because it was almost midnight.  Who the fuck is at the house for me at mid- James!

I was halfway out of my room before it hit me. A small smirk crossed my face as an evil idea popped into my mind.

"I'm trying to sleep!" I yelled back.  Know James he wouldn't take no for an answer.  As I yelled I walked over to my closet and grabbed an outfit I had gotten from one of my old roommates.

She had gotten it for me as a joke.  It was a set of skimpy red lingerie.

"He says you either come out or he's comin' in!"

"Fine, just give me a minute!"

I change four of the clothes I was wearing and into the outfit.  I threw an oversized see through t-shirt on top.

I walked out of my room and down the hallway, I saw Kim standing in front of the door with James on the other side.

His eyes grew wide as he stared at my looking me up and down slowly.

"Oh, hey James."  I said smiling at him. "Kim, you can go to sleep or something I got this."

"Alright, night." She said before walking away to her room.

I made my way over to James and stood in the door leaning against it smirking at him.

"Really, you move near me without telling me and make me suffer for almost a week know you were so close to where I live and then you come out wearing that." He said wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"What, It's not my fault the day I move here is the day you have to leave for E3. And as for the outfit o was trying to sleep."

"We both know damn well you weren't going to sleep in that." He growled.

"Well, someone's in a grumpy mood. What's your problem?" I asked in a mock tone.

"Don't play around with me."

"I'm not, I'm just wondering what got you so grumpy."

"You know what I want."

"What, like a sandwich or something.  Are you hangry?" I asked continuing to play dumb.

"I swear.."

"Well, that's not a very nice thing to do.  Swearing isn't good."

I could tell he was getting angry and it was amusing me.

He groaned as his grip around my waist tightened.

"I think you might be tired.  You should head to your house and go to sleep."

"You're right.  Care to join me?"

"Why would I go to your house to sleep.  My bedroom is only a little ways away."

"Of you came to my house you could finally meet Ein!..." He said raising an eyebrow and a smirk on his face.

"Let's go!"

Short and bad but sorta just a filler hope you like it!

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