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little tyler gets home, a frown on his lips but he quickly smiles as he begins warming up.

brendon was passed out on the couch, one of his legs on the floor the other bent on the couch. tyler sighs and places his key on a nail brendon had hammered into the wall.

bluebell greets him right away, she doesn't bark but she still makes some noise as she carries a squeaky red bell over to tyler.

tyler smiles, cheeks still red from the cold "hi' blue, y've been good?" the puppy runs around him, circling his legs as he takes off his winter gear as quickly as possible. she lets out a small bark and tyler smiles "guess you have huh?"

he quietly tip-toes to his room, his fuzzy socks still tucked into his leggings allowing him to slide across the wood floor, bluebell running behind him.

he opens his door, blue rushes in and he instantly feels a sense of relief and safety when he sees his mountain of stuffed animals taking over his double bed.

he closes the door behind him gently, giggling when he sees his little puppy trying to get up onto the bed. "i'll help y'a." she stays put as he picks her up softly, caressing her to his chest before placing her on the bed.

"there y'go, you can sleep wit' me t'night." he pats her head and she rolls over onto her back and goes to ambush his stuffed animals.

he felt smaller than he'd felt all day especially after the incident.

he searches his drawers for his lion onesie, his favourite one. it was big and fluffy and the most comfortable thing he owns.

he strips and pulls it on over his briefs.

he reluctantly gets into bed, bluebell coming over to sit with him. he really wants to cuddle with brendon, he was always allowed too.

brendon said he didn't mind having an extra weight on his chest but tyler figures the couch is too small.

he tugs his blankets around him and pulls a large stuffed bunny to his chest.

bluebell settles on his other pillow and he drifts off to dream land, forgetting all about that rude man he'd ran into.

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