Accident - America

48 2 9

Ok so like ur probs getting sick of USfreakingA by now and how fucking dare u

also couldnt think who else this would work for so suck it ill kick your mint choc chip into the previous century
lmao small fruk idk guessed

ALSO PLEASE COMmENT ?! EVEN IF ITS JUST TO TRASH TALK ME!!! (ps hello to my readers in Philippines, USA, United Arab Emirates, and Sweden <3 love you all )


Accident - America

I huffed softly, looking at the two lovebird. Don't get me wrong, I was happy for them, but as Francis' best friend - and since he had been the one to ask me to be here- you would think he would pay me even the slightest bit of attention. However, that was not even remotely the case.

Francis was... busy, making small talk and small nothings with his new partner, Arthur. They fawned over each other endlessly, and I was sure Francis was completely oblivious to the fact that I was even there.

"You sick of them too, dudette?" I heard from over my shoulder. Turning, I saw Alfred, milkshake in hand, taking a deep slurp. How he had managed to talk with his mouth full, I would never know. However, that was for a different moment.

"Yeah. You stuck in this fresh hell too Alfred?" I asked, running a hand trough my hair. He chuckled a little, but nodded in response.

This situation was getting old, and fast. I stood with Alfred, watching them pander each other as if their lives depended on it, before deciding that if they weren't going to stop on their own, then I would do something about it.

"Hey, what do you say we make them separate~?" I asked slyly, a small, evil smile crossing my lips. Alfred looked down at me, an eyebrow quirked.

"Hm?" He simply grunted in response, still finding the milkshake a lot more interesting than my cunning plan.

"Well, they're not really paying attention to the people they actually invited~" I smirked, a dark chuckle emanating from me. "So how about, we make them pay us attention, while they cant pay attention to each other~."

That caught his attention. He furrowed his brows, thinking as he looked in their direction. That was enough to convince him, as hus milkshake nearly saw daylight again.

"I'm sold. What do we do?" He asked, coming over.

"First things first, the theme park."

I stood near the front of the line, looking up to the tall, fast, and terrifying ride. One of the shuttles rocketed past, making me jump in place.

"Wooh! This is gonna be AWESOME dude!!" Alfred cried, slinging his arm around Arthurs shoulder. Seeming a little disgruntled, A shake of the shoulder was all it took for Arthur to shake him off.

"Well I don't know about that, you bloody twit, what it will be awe inspiring what ill do to you if you cant shut your bloody mouth." Arthur complained. Francis chuckled, but I was too busy shaking like a leaf to give away my amusement. Alfred through a look my way, not concerning himself as te two continued to talk once again.

"Hey, dudette, you-"


The electronic voice screeched in our ears, and the few people with us scrambled for seats. In the sheer surprise, Alfred and I had missed our chance to separate Francis and Arthur.

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