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Sungyeol POV

When Sung-kyu left for the next train back to the Capital, everything became busy around us. Rumors had spread so fast that the children had come back up to the house we were in and were in an excited mood. Unfortunately, because of that, they were asking us many questions with no answers to them.

Myungsoo, Meera, and I were put in charge of them while Dongwoo and Woohyun prepared for the journey. We planned to leave at nightfall which wasn't far from now.

"Myungsoo, if the flower works, would you also use it? Then you could be able to speak as well, right?" Eileen asked out of curiosity.

Myungsoo quietly shook his head. Quietly contemplating his next words, he began to write on his note pad.

"You know you don't have to do that with us? We know sign language because of Shizuka." Jingshen commented casually as he looked down at the sitting Myungsoo with amusement. "Unlike the Capital people, we actually care enough to learn Shizuka's language instead of forcing him to accommodate for us by teaching him to write."

"Jingshen!" Eileen snapped. "That was very rude, apologize now!"

"It's not like you're our mother, Eileen." Jingshen rolled his eyes which caused Eileen's eyes to start tearing up. "Don't you think I know that more than anyone?"

"Hey, Jingshen! You can be harsh to us as long as you want, but making a girl cry is one of the 7 deadly sins!" I said in horror.

Jingshen snickered before offering Eileen a smile that held the most sincere apology that words could not have portrayed. "I'm sorry for what I said. You know how much we miss her."

Eileen brushed away her tears as she tried to smile again.

"You just dodged a bullet." I muttered underneath my breath.

"Are you seriously scared of women and girls crying? You're what? Five foot eight?" Jingshen smirked. "Besides, Eileen is a lot tougher than you might think. Have you've ever wondered why she doesn't seem to have an illness unlike the rest of us?" Jingshen hinted at something as he gracefully sat onto the ground with us.

"One." I said as I held up my index finger. "I'm 6 foot."

"Ooo, someone is sensitive about his height." Jingshen stuck his tongue out at me playfully which made me angry.

With a deep breath, I continued.

"Two." I held up two fingers at him. "I was curious but a gentleman never asks such personal questions."

Before Jingshen could say anything else I held up three fingers. "And finally three. I have noticed that she has a very rare eye color."

"Nice." Huin complimented me. "I guess he isn't as stupid as I thought he was." Huin laughed as he shared a mischief filled glance with Jingshen.

"That's enough trolling for today." Eileen laughed as my mouth hung open at those two boys.

"In order to pass the time, I guess I could tell you." Eileen said as we all sat in a circle. Looking around us, I noticed that Meera blushed when her eyes met Myungsoo's. What is wrong with those two?

"The orphanage caretakers called me Eileen which means light but I always felt bitter because of the irony. I was born blind.

Even though we were taught to be proud of our names that were given to us, I had always felt that I was being made fun of whenever someone called my name. I mean, come on! I'm called by the thing that I could never see.

The same goes for every child here who were born special. For example: Shizuka is called the Silent Warrior, Huin is called the White Tiger and Jingshen's name means Spirit Dragon, the chinese magical beast that doesn't possess any arms.

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