° the Lullaby of a Ghost °

33 6 27

Sungyeol POV

"Is it just me or does this seem weird to you?" I asked Myungsoo as we suspiciously stare at the open door that seemed to beckon towards us.

Shrugging his shoulders, he gives me his staff so I can use it as a walking stick.

My abdomen still hurts when I move a certain way and my whole body was sore, but I was slowly gaining my mobility back.

"I lost my gun when I was attacked by those monsters." I sadly said as my mind began to imagine what kind of horrors lay in wait inside the house.

Reaching behind him, Myungsoo unclips a familiar looking gun and hands it to me.

When I look at it's handle, it has my initials engraved on the side.

"Whoa! You found it! Thanks!" I said in pure delight. Pulling the cartridge out, I count how many bullets I have left before slamming it back in.

"I have 6 bullets so I can at least take down 6 monsters." Is it even possible to shoot a ghost?

Swinging the lantern towards the dark house, Myungsoo motions for us to start. Trying to use my dominate hand, I realize that I can't pull the trigger because of the pain from the bite. I'll have to use my non-dominate hand.... Our chances of surviving this seem to be getting slimmer.

When we walk up onto the rickety porch, the stairs screamed underneath our weight.

As we slowly step inside the house, a warm eery glow lights the whole room while the door slams shut behind us and clicks just like the gate outside.

"What should we do now?" I turn to ask Myungsoo, but he was gone! Beginning to panic, my eyes scan the whole room before landing on his slight figure. His head is tilted as he reads words off of a rusted plague.

On further inspection, I noticed a torch with flames the color of vomit was lit underneath the plaque. When I walk closer to Myungsoo, I begin to read what the plague says outloud.

Murder, murder on the wall. Who is the one who killed them all?

Accept or Decline

"What?!" I exclaimed as I kept reading the words over and over again.

"Oh no.....No!" I yelled at the plaque as if it will go away. "Please tell me this isn't a haunted house." I looked at Myungsoo with pleading eyes as he looked back at me with amusement.

"I hate ghosts..."

Tapping me to catch my attention, Myungsoo shows me his notepad.

Should we wait for the others or accept?

"I would rather decline..." I sighed.

Smiling, Myungsoo scribbles some more words on the pad of paper.

That wasn't given as an option.

"Fine! Then let's get this over with....we can't leave this house to tell the others because we are locked in. And we don't know how long it will take for them to get here. Who knows...they might be playing the game already."


I nod my head unwillingly. Letting out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in, I watch in suspense as Myungsoo turns to the plague.

Pressing where the word Accept was, his finger seems to sink through the plague. With a click, the wall that the plague hung on flipped revealing a dark room inside.

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