° the Secret °

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Once upon a time....there was a world that was perfect. Where people could speak with truth without having to fear the judgement of others. Where our words would hold no malice and we could show to the world our true feelings. Where the just are rewarded and the evil are punished. Where people never got hurt or died.

But such a world like this does not exist. And neither will it ever exist.


Because in every world there exist humans. And we humans are despicable people....


A perfect world would be boring, huh?

{ Let the Games Begin }



"Ya, wake up!" My partner, Hoya yelled into my ear. Jerking from the sudden burst of noise, the chair that I was sleeping in almost tipped over.

My legs were resting on a messy desk that was in front of me. Untangling my long legs from my position, I give Hoya a dazed look.

"Aish, I thought you were dead!" Hoya said amazed while waving his hand in front of my face. Annoyed, I brushed his hand aside. I feel dead.

"What do you want?" I grumbled as a slight pounding near my temples alerted me of the day ahead.

"You've been summoned."

"What does Sung-kyu want this early in the morning." I growled as I struggled to get on my feet. Our Sergeant Leader, Sung-kyu, was also in charge of us when we weren't on the field.

"It's late afternoon." Hoya frowns at me. Walking over to the only window in the dark room, Hoya opens the blinds which fills the room with the harsh evening's light.

Shielding my sensitive eyes, the sun's rays only succeed in annoying me further. Brushing through my dark brown hair with my hands, I tilt my head towards my partner.

"Anyway.." coughed Hoya, " the summons wasn't from Sungkyu."

Frowning, I wait for Hoya to continue.

"Her majesty summoned your presence."

Silence fell upon us.

Quirking a small smile, I turn my back on my partner as if to dismiss him. "It's a little early for jokes, Hoya." Finding an empty coffee cup that was on my desk, I pick it up to refill it's contents.

"I'm serious."

Dropping the coffee cup onto the ground from shock, the shattering of the glass shards reminded me of my heart the last time I was summoned by royalty. Crouching down to gather the shards together, I carefully placed them in a waste pin.

"Why are you avoidng her? She's been asking for you ever since..." My hands pause at Hoya's words.

"The Royal line has done enough damage....besides, she is only Queen in name only. The military is in charge of the Kingdom now." I whispered.

"She may be Queen in name only, but she still holds a lot of influence from the common people. Many of them still remember her when she was just a little girl..."

"She still is a little girl." I retorted.

Giving me a warning look, Hoya crosses his arms and looks down at me.

"Why are you so cold towards her? You saved her life..."

"It's none of your concern!" I yelled. Turning to Hoya with deadly eyes, I notice blood dripping from my hands from where I was cut from the shards.

The Players // Infinite EditionWhere stories live. Discover now