° the Specials °

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Meera POV

"Are they dead?"

"No..she's breathing. But this guy looks like a rock!"

Cracking my eyelids open, my eyesight becomes blurry from the sudden strain.

Bright lights slowly sharpen into distinct shapes. A cute girl in her early teens with a pale blue dress was poking Sungyeol. Beside her were three boys of similar ages who were looking at a sleeping Myungsoo. They were all barefoot and wore patched up clothing but their eyes held a certain sparkle to them that I haven't seen in a while.

"Doctor Nam said that one of them had Aphonia just like you, Shizuka." A boy who was born without any arms nudged another boy who was next to him.

"Do you think it's the girl?" The boy who had white hair and pale skin asked the girl in the light blue dress.

"I don't know. Let's ask her since she's awake now." The girl said as they all turned to me. Surprised, I sat up on my bed and looked at my small audience.

"Good morning! My name is Meera. Thank you for taking care of me!" I softly said as I was still somewhat asleep.

Surprised at the sound of my voice, they turn to me in awe.

"She is pretty!" The boy with the pale skin and white hair stared up at me. His bright eyes were the color of the sun.

"Thank you...."

"Huin. Huin Holangi."

"Huin... white tiger?" I asked in fascination.

"Yep, Doctor Nam and his family named me. Pretty cool huh?"

Nodding my head, I introduced myself as Meera. Sungyeol told me to keep my identity hidden but I can't lie to children...

"Whoa, you're named after the Queen. Lucky! " the girl said in awe.

"What is your name?" I asked nervously so I could change the subject.

"My name is Eileen Chae. The boy beside me is Shizuka Senshi. She introduced herself and a small boy who was beside her.

Giving me a 90 degree bow, his face lit up when I reciprocated the bow.

Flashing me a toothy grin, I noticed that he had dimples on both cheeks. Silent Warrior. The Nam family are pretty good at names. I wonder why he was called the "silent" warrior. I thought with amusement.

"And I'm the oldest. My name is Jingshen Long which means Spirit Dragon in my native language. " A small boy proudly said as he waved a little nub towards me. His arms were bandaged and small strips hung loose, but his face remained cheerful.

"Nice to meet all of you." I laughed as I felt so happy at the moment.

"Are you special as well?" Huin bodly asked me as the children sat down on the floor as if getting ready for a story. He must be the spokesman for the four of them.

"Special?" I asked with a confused face. Huin's mouth formed a small "o" when he realized that I didn't understand.

Turning to his friends for help, Jingshen waved his nub at me which made me realize what they were talking about.

They all have....specialities. Huin is an albino. Jingshen must have been born without arms...or something happened. Shizuka is mute. And I don't know what Eileen has...

Shocked at my revelation, I was speechless. Before I could say anything, I heard someone approaching our room.

"Ahhh, she is awake!" A man's voice said as he walked into the room and sat down on the floor with the children.

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