° the Mask °

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"Since you're my new body guard, you'll have to always be next to be. So, you can share a room with my personal attendant."

"Personal attendant? You mean a Butler?" I asked.

After Meera got discharged from the doctor's room, it was late at night the next day. Her forehead was lightly bandaged and I was given medication to administer to her every morning until the wound healed.

Thinking about what I said, she shakes her head. "I guess he is more of a best friend than a personal attendant. "

"Great, I can't wait to meet him." I muttered sarcastically under my breath. Grabbing my hand she pulls me down a narrow hallway that was on the top floor of the palace. That is my room," she points to a room with a double door entry, " and this will be yours."

Opening a door that was extremely close to hers, we quietly walk inside. The moderate sized room possessed two bunk beds already. Observing my surroundings, I nodded my head in approval.  The room connected with Meera's through a small archway that was closed off with glass doors. For privacy, heavy red curtains were hung from the top.

Clapping my hands together, I turn to Meera. "So, when do I meet this guy?"

Checking the nearby clock that hung on the wall, she told me that he should be finished his breakfast break at any moment.

"Breakfast? It's 9:00 p.m. Why can't he eat with you?"

"He's very self-conscience when it comes to his mouth. " She shrugged her shoulders. "Recently, his duties have switched from Personal Attendant to Nightguard. The new job suits him because he has a hard time sleeping at night. Since he just woke up, he has to eat before he begins his Nightguard duties."


"Yep. It's like your job only at night time. While you protect me in the day, he will be watching over me at night."

"Sounds perverted to me. No wonder he didn't mind switching from Personal Guard to "Nightguard."

"Stop it." Meera frowned as she playfully punched me. "He's perfectly innocent."  I rolled my eyes at the word "innocent." Innocenct and Men never go together.

"Besides, you probably won't see him too many times because your schedueles will never match."

That's probably a good thing. This guy sounds like a weirdo the more Meera tries to describe him.

"Has the threats gotten that bad where you need someone to watch you at night as well?"

"No...but Sung-kyu, captain of the royal guards, thinks that it would be best if we played it careful.

Nodding my head, I lean against the nearby wall in order to rest my body. Hearing the familiar click of the bedroom door opening, I straighten up in order to meet my new partner who will help me protect Meera.

A tall young man with soft brown hair and handsome features enters the room. Surprised to see people in his room, he immediantly bows when he spots the Queen.

The young man wore a black mask that covered his mouth and reached all the way up to part of his nose. The novelty of the mask accentuated his star-like eyes which I assumed were the gateway through the man's emotions.

Being polite, I bowed to the young man and offered my hand. "My name is Sungyeol. It's a pleasure to be working with you." After my introduction, I looked at him expectantly only to be met with silence. The young man's eyes widens before he waves his hand at me.

Confused, I turned to Meera.

"Ahh sorry, let me introduce you. Sungyeol, this is Myungsoo. He has Aphonia so please be patient with him." Meera said tenderly as she motioned for Myungsoo to walk closer to us.

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