He teaches you how to drive

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Louis thought he would be the perfect person to help you learn how to drive. What he didn't know was that you were kind scared of driving. At school they also talked about safety and showed the results if you didn't follow the rules. The Saturday after school ended, Louis took you to an abandoned parking lot. "OK Y/N, show me what you can do." You both switched sides, so that you could begin your first lesson. You froze right in front of the steering wheel. "Y/N, can you drive from this tree to that tree?" Louis asked. You nodded. You made to that other tree...five minutes later. You drove really slow. When you finally made it Louis said, "We have our work cut out for us."


You were 16 years of age. For your 16th birthday, you received a car from one of your relatives. You only had your permit and since you never really drove around, you need a touch up on driving. Harry took you out on an cleared street. You drove around and around. Harry gave you directions and you followed. Then Harry took you out to the main streets. You almost crashed seven times. You were just too nervous. Harry called it a day and said you can try again tomorrow.


You were 17 and still didn't know how to drive. Niall decided to be a good brother and took you out driving. Let's just say, you sucked. You were like the "Queen" of hitting poles. It was bad. So when you gave up that day, you went home and studied up about driving. The next day, you were actually better. You only hit like 3 poles that day. Niall was so proud of you, that he took you out to Nando's. Well, it was more of treat to him.

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