You are getting abused by your boyfriend(Harry)[part 2]

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*Your POV*

My ex set fire to my house. I heard voices coming from outside my room. People were screaming, mainly my mom. I also heard running. The roaring flames that were on my door slowly began coming in closer and closer into my room. The sirens for the ambulances and the firefighters grew louder. Dear God, please let them make it in time. I can't let Y/BF/N win. I won't let it happened. I watched as the flames swallowed up my desk. At least my laptop wasn't on there. The sirens stopped. For a moment, I was confused. I rushed over to my window and saw that they were out there. The firemen ran into my house. Finally. The fire in my room wasn't having it. It kept moving around and kept getting closer and closer.

*Harry POV*

We had all been sleeping, when I smelled smoke. I went outside my bedroom and saw that half the hallway was filled with smoke and fire. I banged on my mom and dad's door and Gemma's door. They all came out and realized what was happening. Y/N's door was blocked by the wall of fire. I ran back into my bedroom and called 911. They said they would be there as fast as they could. The firemen showed up and took us all out of the house. After they saved us, the firemen told us to count all of us. Then that's when I noticed Y/N was missing. I looked up to her bedroom window. I heard her open her window. She then screamed, "I'm up here!" One of the younger firemen saw her and then said, "I think we can get her." He ran over to a fire engine and grabbed a ladder. That one fireman told another fireman to help him rest the ladder against the house. The fireman climbed up the ladder. He reached in and pulled out a limp Y/N out of the window. As he was climbing down the ladder, the glass window exploded into flames. The fireman stumbled and fell off the ladder. When he hit the ground, there was a strange cracking noise. My family and the other firemen (the ones that weren't putting out the fire) ran over to him. He was holding Y/N perfectly fine. "James, are you hurt?" One of the other firemen asked the one holding Y/N. "My leg." He croaked. A fireman signalled for the paramedics to come over. The 'medics came over and loaded both Y/N and James, the fireman, onto stretchers, since Y/N wasn't breathing and James couldn't must move.

My family and I have been waiting for the past two hours for her to wake up. James had been given a cast on his leg and pain meds. The more I waited, the less I thought she was going to live. The doctor said she inhaled too much of smoke and got some type of carbon monoxide poisoning. I decided to go see how Y/N was. I peeped through the glass. She laid motionless. "Come on," I whispered through the window. "Wake up Y/n. You can't die on us." She still laid motionless. After I few minutes, I saw her open her eyes. She coughed, loudly, and a huge smoke bubble escaped her body. "She's awake!" I yelled to my family. They got up and rushed to the window. A few doctors also heard this and came into the room. After a some questions, the doctors let us in. We all ran in and hugged Y/N deeply.

After a while of family time, some police department strolled in. "Styles family?" One of them said to us. "That is we." My mom responded. "We need you all to come down to the station to answer some questions." I looked over at the clock on the wall. "It's 4 in the morning. What is this about?" I asked the officers. "Apparently, your house was set on fire purposely." We all gasped. Well, Y/N didn't. Anyways, the officers said we needed to go now.

*Your POV*

I was forced out of the hospital bed. My mom gave me a change of clothes from her car. I took them and went to a near by bathroom. I changed and then left. I met back up with the officers and my family in the hospital room. I told them we could now leave. We all walked out of the room. As we were going to the elevator, we passed by a room with a really cute guy, who had a broken leg. He waved to me. I waved back, really confused. "Who was he?" I whispered to my mom. "Honey, he saved you from the fire." She responded. "I have no memory of him." My mom just shrugged and then kept walking. I looked back at the room, still confused.

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