Chapter 17 Letting Go

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Warning- this chapter contains parts that may not be suitable for all readers, if you get easily triggered, I highly suggest you skip this chapter. You have been warned.

Emily's P.O.V
"Emily!" Nathan panted as I finally allowed him to catch up.
"What do you want?" I spat.
"Please let me explain!" He begged.
"Fine. Explain. Explain why you were on a date with her. Explain why you pretended to like me. To be my mate for god sakes!" I yelled.
"I-I'm sorry-" he began.
"Do you know what would have happened if you marked me? I could have died," I yelled.
"I'm sorry!" He cried.
"Save it. We're done never speak to me again," I yelled, tears threatening to fall.
"If that's what makes you happy," he sighed.
Instead of going to my house like I was supposed to, I sprinted into the forest and shifted, shredding my clothes. I ran for miles without stopping. Finally, I collapsed and let out a long, piercing howl full of agony. I stayed there all night. My mom was probably worried sick but I didn't care. I needed to be alone.
The next morning I awoke at dawn and snuck to my house and into my room, locking the door after I had shifted. I got dressed in sweatpants and a baggy shirt and headed to my bathroom. A few minutes later I had yet another scar to remind me of the pain I've been put through. Suddenly there was a knock on my door.
"Just a second!" I called, quickly throwing on a sweater and scrambling to the door.
       "Where have you been?!" My mom screeched.
"Out," I replied simply.
"Out?" Do you have any idea how worried I was?!" My mom yelled.
"It's not a big deal," I mumbled.
"Not a big deal?! What do you mean- what happened to your wrist?" My mom questioned. I yanked the sleeve of my sweater back over my scar.
"Scratched it," I lied.
"On what?," she questioned.
"A stick, I went for a run last night and fell asleep in the woods," I lied again. She inspected me for a moment, trying to see if I was telling her the truth.
"Alright I'll let it slide this time but if you ever do that again you're grounded, you understand?" She questioned.
"Yes mom" I mumbled. She left the room and I let out a sigh of relief. I stared at my scars and let a single tear fall down my cheek. It's time to let go.

Hey... before you say anything, I know, I'm a terrible author, and I know this chapter is short but I'm going to camp for a week and I can't bring my phone so I wanted to get this chapter out, again I'm sorry. I'm also happy to say that I made a Instagram fan art page, it's MTF_Fanart, please go follow that.

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