Chapter 16 Heartbreak

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Emily's POV:
It's been a week since my date with Nathan. Nathan, every-time I hear, see, or even think of that name I get butterflies in my stomach, their chasing each other every second of everyday. I wonder if his butterflies do the same around me, or if he even gets them around me...AHH these thoughts have been in my head all week! I wake up and think about Nathan "will he like my hair?" I eat and think of him "I wonder if Nathan like Fruit Loops." I walk to school thinking of him "How does he get his hair like that?" Let's just say I think of him LOTS! Sadly tho, I haven't spoken to him since, not even a text. The only type of communication we've had since our date is a smile while walking past each-other in the halls . Oh! His smile, as if the gods had created it them selves! But I can't think of that now. Today I have to meet up with my BFFWSLION (best friend whether you like it or not) she's also a werewolf. And I haven't seen her in for ever! Lucky for her, she's already found her mate, my wolf still hasn't made up her mind about Nathan, but I'm pretty positive. I slowly pull myself out of bed, thank god it's the weekend, otherwise I don't think I would have been able to get up for school today, my insane thoughts keep me awake all hours of the night. It takes me about 30 minutes but I finally decide on a black skirt with pika dots and a dark blue crop top, just something casual, we will be running throughout the woods after all. We have this spot, one day-before my parents divorce- I ran away crying and was gone for hours, because of the fighting it was normal, but nothing had ever been this bad. I don't let people see my scars and wounds, i try and keep them hidden. But Anika knows me inside out, and knows about my parents. She got worried because I wasn't answering her FaceTime calls. When she came to my house she heard my parents fighting and instead of entering the main door she climbed up to my balcony-we would do this when I was grounded or she wasn't allowed over due to how late it was- well I was officially missing! She went down stairs to report what she hadn't found to my parents. They called the police, but Anika was just too worried so she went out looking for me using her nose. My parents want to be normal, sometimes they forget we're wolves. Soon Anika was sitting next to me hugging me as I cried into her shoulder. She knew I didn't want to talk about it we walked back in silence. She found me on a high cliff covered in flowers. Our spot. That day is one I can't forget, the day they agreed on a divorce. Emily the home wrecker, at your service since the age of 9! Ankia moved after that, she lives 3 hours away! In some crappy town called Bechworth. I can't wait to tell her about Nathan! As I'm walking down town to get to the east side I pass the place where Nathan and I had our first date, hopefully to many more! But as I walk past the shop I see that all too familiar looking hair, and beautiful smile. Only it's being shot at another girl, Becca! Nathan and Becca!! I. Am. Furious. I made myself a promise after the last douce I dated that I wouldn't let someone hurt me like he did, thanks Jayden, because now I'm going to do something I never thought of doing ever before. I enter the building, I have one thing on my mind and one thing only. Ugh! I hear that squeaky laugh as I approach the booth they're sitting at. The first thing I see is Nathan's face resembling the words "oh crap!" The next thing I see is their extra thick chocolate milk shake and before I can't stop my self, Nathan is covered in it! Then I storm out of the shop that will now only remind me of yet another scar. I ignore the shouting of the voice I thought about 10 minutes ago was like an angels, but now it sounds like nails on a chalk board.
Hey guys! Kate here, firstly I wanna give a shoutout to my best friend Emily for writing this chapter. Secondly I wanna ask what your thoughts are on the fact that Nathan is a cheater! Comment below

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