Chapter 4:

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"When alpha particles go through gold foil, they become..." Barb read from Nancy's study card.

The three of us were walking to class and Nancy was trying to get in last minute studying. Nancy had brought my bag to school since I had left it at her house. I wasn't focusing on Nance and Barb though, I was too worried about Will and how Jonathan was.

"An occupied space." Nance's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"A molecule that can..." Barb started before the cards were ripped from her hands.

I looked up to see Steve.

"Hey." Nancy called and stepped towards him.

Tommy walked past us and messed with Barb before joining Steve, Carol following.

"I think you studied enough, Nance." Steve muttered, the cards still in his hands.

"Steve." Nancy whined.

"I'm telling you, you got this." He looked up from the cards to Nancy. "Don't worry."

"Now onto more important matters. My dad has left town on a conference and my mom's going with him cause, you know, she doesn't trust him." Steve looked at Nance.

"Good call." Tommy added.

"So are you in?" Steve glanced back from Tommy to Nancy.

"In for what?" Nancy asked confused.

I internally facepalmed at her innoncence to the matter.

"No parents. Big house." Carol summed up.

"A party?" Nancy realized.

"Ding ding ding." Carol's annoying voice chimed in.

"It's Tuesday." Nancy looked at Steve unsure.

"It's Tuesday." Tommy mocked and laughed afterwards, Carol joining in on the laughter part.

I rolled my eyes at their childish behavior.

"Come on. It'll be lowkey. It will just be us. What do you say? Are you in or are you out?" Steve looked at Nancy hopefully.

Before Nancy could answer Carol's face fell. "Oh god. Look."

We all turned to see what she was talking about.

"Oh god. That's depressing." Steve said.

Jonathan was hanging up something on the board.

"Should we say something?" Nancy asked looking at all of us.

"I don't think he speaks." Carol said.

"How much do you want to bet he killed him?" Tommy asked, his eyes on Jonathan.

Steve shoved Tommy. "Shut up."

Before anything else could happen I made my way over to him. As I got closer I saw it was a missing sign for Will. My heart dropped at the thought of Will actually being gone and I slowed my approach. Nancy joined my side and she looked at me before reassuringly looking at Jonathan.

"Hey." Nancy said, announcing our presence to him.

He turned to look at us. "Hey."

"I just." Nancy started. "I wanted to say, you know, I'm sorry. About everything."

Jonathan looked at me and my heart started beating slightly faster. His eyes traveled to Nancy before going to Barb, Steve, Tommy, and Carol. Nance turned to see where he was looking. I quickly looked away from that direction.

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