Chapter 1:

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I snuck past Karen and Ted, running up the stairs to Nancy's room. As I opened the door she looked up. She was on the phone.

"I'll call you later." She said into the phone before hanging up.

I walked closer to her bed and she shifted slightly so her body was facing towards me more.

"Hey." She smiled.

"So. You and Steve?" I asked jumping onto the bed down towards her feet since she was still laying down.

I sat on the bed cross legged and faced Nancy.

She rolled her eyes. "It's not like that."

"Sure." I laughed.

She lifted a pillow off her bed and hit me with it. I lightly pushed her and we both started laughing. Putting the pillow down, she sat up and sat cross legged on her bed. We were facing each other now.

"Are you sure there's nothing going on with you and Steve?" I questioned a little quieter just to be safe.

She shrugged and looked down at the blanket we both were on. We sat silently for a moment. She started messing with the blanket and I watched her.

"You like him?" I leaned towards her a little, interested more than I previously was.

She looked up at me. Before she could answer her eyes landed on the open door behind her. Her eyes widened slightky and I turned to see Dustin standing in the doorway, a pizza box in his hands.

"There's a slice left if either of you want it. Sausage and pepperoni." He grinned.

The bed shifted slightly and Nancy walked past me towards the door. Dustin's eyes slightly widened in excitment but Nancy closed the door on the younger boys face. I rolled my eyes and stood up from the bed. I walked over to the door and she looked at me confused.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school." I opened the door and saw Dustin starting to walk down the steps.

"Dustin. Wait up." I called speeding after him.

He looked up at me and another grin was on his face, the last slice of pizza being eaten by him.

"Hope you didn't want this." He said, lifting the last slice up slightly.

I shook my head. "Wasn't really hungry. Thanks though."

We walked downstairs and Dustin dealed with the box. I headed into the garage to see Lucas, Mike, and Will.

"There's something wrong with your sister." Dustin walked past me and walked towards his bike while looking at Mike.

I closed the door behind me and turned back around to watch the interaction between the friends.

Mike followed Dustin's figure."What are you talking about?"

"She's got a stick up her butt." He lifted his bike off the ground, the pizza slice still in his hand.

"Yeah. Cause she's been dating that douchebag Steve Harrington." Lucas added in, already on his bike.

"Yup. She's turning into a real jerk." Dustin agreed.

"She's always been a real jerk." Mike defended.

The three of his friends were on their bikes, ready to leave the garage. I walked closer to the boys as they continued to talk.

"Nu uh. She used to be cool. Like that time she dressed up as an elf for our Elder Free campaign?" Dustin looked back at Mike and started pedaling out of the garage.

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