Mornings Suck

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   I groan as my alarm goes off. I turn it off on my phone and reluctantly get out of bed. I open my phone and text "good morning everyone" into my group chat. My group chat consists of me- The most powerful witch wolf of this century. And no that's not me being cocky. My blood line is the Graves which you probably never heard of. I'm the first pure witch wolf of our family. But we can talk about that later. The others in my group chat are my best friends Madi and Catherine and the only other  witch wolves in Tennessee. Samantha, Lily and Emma. Lily and Emma are 2 years younger than me. Samantha is 16. I'm 15 and Lily and Emma are 13. Catherine and Madi are also 15. Samantha has already met her mate the lucky girl. His name is Tyler. He is Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack, our Pack. The rest of us haven't found our mates yet which you wouldn't think is a big deal but witch wolves usually find there mates in between the ages 15-17 only because we are witch wolves and we need to find them soon to soothe our witch, wolf and human self.
    I got dressed in a comfy casual outfit only  because I probably won't find my mate wearing the scent mask we are forced to wear. Let me explain the scent mask. A lot of Alphas want Witch Wolves as their mates because they are said to make the best Lunas and the best fighters. So they try and force a marriage and Mating on Witch wolves. At the age of sixteen there is a taking off ceremony. All the neighboring packs come to the witch wolves house and in the back yard they let out the witch wolf. If she can't find her mate there (which most of the time she does) she chooses an Alpha to mate with. Me, Emma, and Lily wear scent mask to protect ourselves from unmated Alphas at public school who try and force mating early on. I'm about to eat breakfast when my dad's mate starts talking to me. Her name is Hillary. She's freaking amazing!

Hillary: "Kim have you put on your scent mask for today?"

Me: "No not yet...why?"

Hillary: "Because the Luna brought by a new scent mask. It hides your Witch scent and lets your regular scent seep through so you can find your mate! She thinks it will help get rid of that ridiculous 'Taking Off Ceremony' "
    As soon as she told me this I knew I had to change out of my sweatpants. So I decided to put on this:

With my red hair and black glasses

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With my red hair and black glasses. No I'm not hipster I actually need those to see. I put on the new scent mask and threw some more in my bag for later. To give you an idea a scent mask is like the size of a panty liner. I grabbed my bag and my dad offered me a ride. He played his horrible dad music but HE GOT ME MCDONALDS!! So it's okay. I'm so nervous for school yet extremely excited at the thought of finding the person who was made for me...

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