Books Written by YourGuatdianAngel

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A b o u t. T h e. A u t h o r :

☮ Name: YourGuardianAngel

☮ Age: 17

☮ Gender: F

☮ What got you writing?!(Inspired you?!) I always liked reading and then I found one writers work on here and I thought that I should give it a try.

☮ What genres do you like to write?! Fantasy, teen fiction and anything along these lines.

☮ Do you want to become anything from writing?!(J.K. Rowling?! Someone big like that, or just sell your story on sites?!) I'd like to become a writer, famous or not I want to shared my stories.

☮Anything coming up?!(New books, Sequal?!) It's only one chapter yet but I'll keep uploading and there will probably be a second book.


★Title: Don't Come Near Me...

★Subtitle: -


Keira Lynn Walker. Her name says it all. She's rich, beautiful; her father is famous and gets what she wants. Perfect right? Well, not really. Her mother was murdered when she was still a baby and everybody in her family starts to hate her. So in order to get rid of her pretty face, her father sends her to a school for the "gifted" where everyone is just as special as she is. Once she is place in the Winter House; one of the four houses at her school. One night Keira meets Alec Lockhart who is also known as the trouble kid. They both get into an argument about how asocial Keira is; it takes a bad turn, Keira accidentally touches Alec's hand and everything seems to just fall apart. Alec promises that he's not going to say anything as long as she does what he says...

★Genre: Teen Fiction | Fantasy


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