Books Written by purplemonkey12

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A b o u t. T h e. A u t h o r :

☮ Name: purplemonkey12

☮ Age: 14

☮ Gender: Female

☮ What got you writing?!: My friends and my teacher said i was great at writing. I also found writing as a way to relieve me.

☮ What genres do you like to write?!: Teen Fic, Im working FanFics and some other things

☮ Do you want to become anything from writing?!: i might become a writer as a temporary job

☮ Anything coming up?!: Actually a few things like a fanfic and a few teen fics XD


★Title: Abandoned

★Subtitle: -

★Summary: Kiera must face the rest of her life without a father. Things are different now and Ki's mom tries hard to provide for them. What will happen to Kiera as she takes her journey?

★Genre: Teen Fiction | Other


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