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A wave of relief rushed over you. "Thank god," you smiled. Aleks explained Brett's upcoming position and role for the new group while the two of you got ready. At the same time, you explained how you were once Brett's assistant for a few productions.

"Small world," he laughed.

It was a hot day, so you decided on a simple pair of jean shorts and a tank top. When Aleks passed by you to grab a pair of socks, he gently but firmly squeezed your ass.

"Y'know, I still can't tell if you're a boobs or butt kinda guy," you giggled.

He turned away from the closet to face you when he looked you in the eyes. You watched as he then scanned your body up and down. "I'm more of a personality kind of guy," he said with a smirk.

"Oh you ass!" You gasped as you whipped him with another shirt you were holding.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" He yelped back, before pulling you into an embrace. "You're really attractive,.. in more ways than just a 'boobs or butt' kind of way,"

With your arms wrapped around his neck, you kissed him along the jawline before finally kissing him on the lips.

"But if you really want to know," he whispered. "As of right now, my answer is butt. Like, have you seen your ass in those shorts?" He emphasized his question by turning you away from the mirror, and grabbing both of your cheeks and giving them a good shake.

You were laughing when you realized that Aleks took out his phone to take a mirror selfie; in one hand he held his phone, in the other he held your ass. In one photo, he two of you held the pose while kissing.

Aleks let you go after giving you one last kiss on the forehead before saying, "We should probably get going, huh?"


At James' house, everyone was working. You worked silently as you were typing up a new contract for the new channel. When you compared the new contract to the existing copy of the creature hub one, you weren't surprised at how little information there was to the creature one. It's no wonder why it was a train wreck of a process for people to leave and join; they haven't updated it in years.

James on the other hand sat across from you on the table. He had been looking at different locations for the new channel. Occasionally, he would show us a place he found that seems interesting and ask for opinions. Unfortunately, a lot of those places didn't have a large enough space.

In the seat next to you was Aleks. He was in contact with Brett over skype. Brett was going over some details when he asked how you would like to be involved. That's when you froze a little. You took your hands off of your keyboard and into your lap. You looked towards James, then Aleks, then Brett.

"I know that I'm already involved, but I'm going to have to be uninvolved, if that makes sense," you started. "Cow chop is becoming real- it is very much real, and when the public learns about it in a few months, there's going to be a big debate, or a big split even. It may sound selfish, but I don't want my existence to become apart of that whole conspiracy; it's merely coincidental that I'm here working while the split happens, but the audience won't accept that, and you know it." You looked towards Aleks, "Maybe later down the line when the dust settles, and if you guys want me, but definitely not immediately."

"Understood," Brett said. "I'm sure we'll gladly take you in whenever you're ready."


A lot of progress was made in one day, and you could tell it made the guys glad too. After reviewing the contract, the three of you ate dinner at James' house, and you were surprised at how well James had improved upon his cooking skills.

Before going back to the house, Aleks came with you to your apartment to pick up some more stuff. You were shipping the majority of your instruments back to your parents house in Massachusetts, and most of the furniture came with the apartment, so you didn't worry about those. All that was left were a few more boxes. Aleks had already packed away your tech stuff, and was grabbing the final two boxes while you cleaned out the fridge. When he came back, you were ready to go. You locked the door one last time, then dropped the keys off to the landlord.

At the house, Aleks helped set up your office desk before disappearing to the gym to let you unpack.
"Be careful!" You called out to him as he closed the front door.

First, you made sure to check if your stream set up worked. You had a corner desk, so you made the wall behind you hold up a green screen. Across from the desk, you setup your piano and guitar; You kept the decorations to a minimum for now. You unpacked the rest of your clothes into the office bedroom closet, and placed your toiletries in the bathroom that wasn't attached to the master bedroom. However, you placed a simple black laced box on top of Aleks' dresser for him to find later.

Since you finally finished your transition into the house, you chose to take Mishka out on a walk in the neighborhood. You kept the walk short and sweet as you needed to be back at the house to sign off for a delivery of groceries. Right as you were finishing up putting away the groceries, Aleks came back from his workout.

He gave you a quick peck before he went upstairs to take a shower. You refilled Mishka's water bowl before shutting off the kitchen lights and heading upstairs too.

Aleksandr (ImmortalHD x fem!reader/Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now