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You got to work with Spencer for a good hour in order to have the whole concept prepared for filming. After that hour, the two of you had to get back to work. Stefani left for the day since she finished her work, so you decided to just work in her office. It was quiet in the office for a few hours since people were either recording or editing, but then you could tell that everyone was ready to go home. You closed your laptop and decided to call it a day since you couldn't do much more with the schedule for the road trip. You packed your things and cleaned up Stef's desk before locking her door.

You took your things with you and popped your head into Jordan's office. "Well well well, look what the cat dragged in," He mused.

"Oh get out," You rolled your eyes at him.

"Okay okay, how was your day?"

You curled your feet up on his couch and told him. You told him how you loved it, how you're so glad to not be working in a cubicle, how you love the daily shenanigans, but you couldn't tell him about Aleks. You thought that he was happy, but then you noticed the quizzical smirk he had on his face.

"What?" You asked.

"Oh nothing, I just like that sweatshirt,"

You covered your mouth with your hands and started to laugh a little. "Is it that noticeable?"

Jordan opened his mouth in an 'O' shape. "So I'm right then? You two might become a thing?"

"Jordan!" You quietly yelled.

You explained to him how you weren't sure about what might happen. You admitted to the fact that Aleks is attractive, but you definitely don't know him that well. You also said how it wouldn't be the best idea since a lot of fans are protective over the creatures. Jordan assured you that Aleks would be a good match.

The two of you continued to talk for a little bit longer. He even suggested that you join in for a podcast.

But when you walked out of Jordan's office, you ran into Aleks who was also on his way out.

"Oh Aleks! I almost forgot," you started to unzip the sweatshirt that you borrowed from him.

He chuckled, "Normally girls don't start undressing in front of me until the second date,"

You looked at him and wondered if he was serious. "Hm, I guess you won't be getting this sweatshirt back for awhile," you said as you walked with him towards the lot.

He walked you to your car and leaned against the open door while watching you put your stuff away. "Hey, be safe, okay?" He murmured while looking at you straight in the eyes.

Coyly, you responded, "I will Mr. Marchant,"

You saw him wink before he closed your car door. You took a moment to relish in the fact you definitely flirted with him and he responded well.

Your mind was on autopilot and you naturally drove home without a thought. You unlocked your apartment door and saw your pile of mail. Everything was usual except for one big envelope. You were about to open it when your phone started to ring.


"I forgot to ask- Are you doing anything tonight?"

It was Aleksandr. You felt your cheeks blush, and your breath came quick.

"Well uh, I was going to take a shower and then watch some movies- what's up?"

Aleksandr (ImmortalHD x fem!reader/Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now