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After a long flight and a sleepy car ride, you were finally at the office. Normally, after "vacations" you would go straight to your apartment to sleep for what seemed like eons. But this time was different. To be honest, you were glad to be back. you were only gone for a year, but boy was that a long year. You finished your last year of college in Boston, your hometown, but it was tough. Everything was crazy. Transitioning colleges for your last year was sporadic, but you needed to focus on your studies as a business major. At the same time though, you wanted to be there for your guys- the creatures. You would have thought that moving back to Boston for awhile would be good for you, yet it made you miss Colorado terribly... Boston is your hometown yes, but Littleton, CO is home.

The only thing that you were not prepared for was how much was changed. There wasn't a Creature House anymore; Instead, they decided to upgrade to an office- of course, they naturally refer to it as the Creature Office. And then, they hired more people since you were there. When you originally worked for them as a production/marketing manager, it was only Jordan, James, Seamus, Dan, Ze and Sly. You left before ever meeting Aleks, Dex, Kevin, Spencer, Stefani, Aron, artist Joe and intern Joe. Much to your dismay, Sly left while you were out.

Sure, you've been emailing and talking with them all, so that when you get back things can flow smoothly, but you've yet to meet them in person. Between all of the Creatures and employees, you've talked the most to Jordan, Dan, Spencer, Stefani and intern Joe to help manage all of their projects. Even though you were in Boston for college, you were still working and helping them in your free time.

...You headed up the building stairs, double checking the office number that Jordan texted you. So far, he was the only one who knew that you were coming back today. When you found the right door, you peeked around the door's side windows to see if anyone was actually in there.

You must have been extremely tired since you did not even realize the amount of noise coming from the office until you started to put in the pin code and key for the door. It took you a moment to take in your surroundings. It was much more lively than the previous creature houses. The bright orange walls were lit up with natural light from the balcony windows and the main divider had a long banner strewn across that read the company logo. Everything seemed like it belonged, except for you.

Awkwardly, you realized that you were just standing around in their lobby. You quickly sent a text to Jordan saying that you're already inside. If it were back at the house, you would have walked right on up to him. It's just so weird to have a sense of being at home yet feeling like a complete stranger at the same time. A second or two later passed and Jordan appeared at the end of the hallway while you made sure to close the door behind you.

"Good ole (y/n)!!" Jordan yelled out to you.

"Hey! It's been a long time stranger!" You chimed back as you gave each other a quick hug. He added, "C'mon, let's go show you off so everyone knows that you're here." You couldn't help yourself from smiling so much.

Jordan lead you down the hallway, as you guys chatted about the flight and how excited he is to surprise everyone. You're so happy to be really good friends with Jordan. Unlike other friendships, Jordan is the absolute best friend anyone could ask for. He's helped you get through so much and it's so easy to get along with the rest of them too. He's the reason for how you met so many amazing people. -And, it's kind of why you're a fan of these guys. Their humor comes out naturally and everyone just suits each other. Even if you just look at them you can tell that they are genuinely nice people.

Down the hallway, Jordan was showing you the office spaces that belonged to each person. First his, Stefani's office, Dan and Artist Joe's office, Kevin's, Spencer and intern Joe's, Seamus', the prop room, Dex's office, the set room, Creature Talk room, Alek's office and then James'. When you two passed by the Creature Talk room, there were a few people in there doing the podcast. Immediately, you recognized Dan and James, but not the other two. One of them had tattoo sleeve, which was rather impressive and you assumed that he was Aleks. You have your own fair share of tattoos, but you don't think you'll ever be able to pull off a full sleeve like his. The other man was rather scruffy, and a bit over dressed in which you concluded that he was Dex.

At first, the guys didn't realize that you and Jordan were peeking into the room. All of a sudden, however, Dan yelled out, "Holy crap! (y/n)?!" And everyone looked at you. James jokingly chirped in with, "Ew! Why are you back here!" In response, you gave a quick two-finger salute and transitioned into flipping James off. He laughed it off then continued, "I'm only kidding, I'm glad that you're back," as he gave off his signature goofy smile. With another quick wave to say good-bye, Jordan yelled at them to get back to the podcast.

On the way back to his office, Jordan explained how some people were out doing errands for the day, so they won't be around until tomorrow. He then added that he still wanted to expand the office as all the rooms were already filling up. He told you that you would probably have to partner up with someone in their office. Neither of you two knew who yet. You told him that you wouldn't mind working in their conference room or in the lobby. All you needed was a computer and a phone to work. In the long run, Stefani's, Spencer's and your responsibilities were rough but simple planning would help the company flow smoothly.

Jordan teased, saying that you could probably just work wherever. Since there wasn't much that you could actually do about the office situation, you thought about working on the beanbag in Spencer and intern Joe's office. For the rest of the day, you and Jordan spent a lot of time catching up with each other's personal lives and work projects. It's crazy to think that you and Jordan have known each other since your first year in high school. As weird as it was, it was a coincidence that your grandparents were extremely close. During the years that Jordan was in Scotland, your grandparents took you with them for a few summers. And from those vacations, you two developed a really strong brother-sister type of bond. Even to this day your families keep in touch.

"You're still at your apartment right?" He asked. You nodded in response. "Y'know," he mused, "You could probably move in with someone so it's cheaper for you."

"Jordan, it's like you're forgetting that I don't know a lot of people in this office now," You retorted.

"But if you move in with someone, then you'll get to know them better- it's logical, isn't it?"

"In a way, sort of, but I doubt that now is the right time to just invade someone's space," You protested.

"Alright, alright, but you should still consider it- but for now, you should go home, you're probably exhausted,"

You agreed with him and stretched as you got off from the couch in his office. "Thanks for having me back, Jordan,"

"To be fair, you never left in the first place," Jordan assured you.

As you stepped out of his office, you were stopped by a familiar voice. It was James' voice to be exact. He was walking down the hallway with Aleks. "(y/n)! Where do you think you're going?"

"To sleep," You yawned and then gave a small smile. "What about you guys?"

"I'm actually giving James a ride home- Do you need one as well?" said Aleks as closed the door to his office.

"Nah, I'm all set for tonight, but I might take you up on that offer when I return the rental car," You answered as you watched them make their way towards you. The three of you kept walking together down to the parking lot as they asked about how the first day back was like. When you reached your car, James called out, "Drive safely!" while Aleks echoed with a loud, "Good Night!"

By the time you unlocked the apartment door, the fatigue hit you hard. You left your luggage by the door and headed straight to your bed and fell on it. You were so close to reaching the sweet blissfulness of sleep when your phone dinged. Reluctantly, you pulled out your phone from your pocket and saw a message from an unknown number.

Hopefully this isn't weird, but I just wanted to make sure that you got home safely. -A

(A/N: Woo! First chapter done with a slight cliffhanger ;) Please feel free to comment on what you guys think so far!)

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