
1.6K 37 15

You and the guys followed Avery into Kevin's room. A nurse was in his room checking his vitals while he was sleeping. The guys sat near the front of the room looking at Kevin. No one said anything yet. The only source of sound was from the machines attached to him.

"(Y/N), his primary doctor is going to get here soon. I know it's a lot, but you just have to listen."

"Okay," you said quietly.

She led you towards the side of Kevin's bed. Avery was quiet so that he wouldn't wake, but loud enough that the others could hear.

"There's still glass embedded into his skin almost everywhere," She pointed to a few shards that were bumps under his skin. "He needed a few stitches over here, but whoever did it just caused unnecessary bruising around the wound... Worst of all was the surgery that just happened. His lung collapsed, so they took him to the OR so that they could drain and reflate the lung," She stopped to uncover a tube that stuck out of his side. "Thing is, the surgeon made a hole too large. The tube in his chest that is supposed to drain fluid is loose. Why? Because the hospital didn't have enough of the right sized tubes in stock... It's bad here, (Y/N)."

You exhaled slowly and then said, "Thank you Ave. Thank you for finding me and telling me this."

And then there was a knock on the door. You gave the others a look to be quiet while Avery opened the door.

Jordan stood up next to you as another doctor entered the room.

The doctor gave Avery an odd look. He grumbled, "Dr. Carter, this isn't your patient. Why are you here?"

Jordan jumped in. "We're sorry Dr. ..." He leaned to read the name tag. "Dr. Jackson, we pulled in Dr. Carter from the hallway in hopes of getting an explanation of what is happening to our friend."

He muttered another response. "Your friend is lucky... But obviously not lucky enough to have health insurance."

Jackson started towards Kevin, but he woke up. "Hi Mr. McFarlane. I'm going to check your chest-"

"Stop. Don't touch him," you said.

Kevin watched with slow blinks.

Jackson was appalled. "Excuse me young lady- "

"You are not  going to touch my client anymore."

"Do you realize how much pain your friend is in?"

"Yes. I know because you are refusing to properly treat him. So, you are not going to touch my client. He is no longer your patient."

"How is he your client anyways? You can't be older than what... 18? I bet that you're a prostitute. Now why don't you get out of this room. Let me do my job for god's sake before I call security."

During Jacksons mumbling, the door opened again to reveal Avery and an older man. Aleks was furious at Jackson, but intern Joe held him back.

"Dr. Jackson, enough" the older man said sternly.

To Jackson, you said, "If you take another step towards Kevin McFarlane, I will sue you and this hospital for malpractice and sexual harassment with my friends and those doctors as my witness."

Dr. Jackson turned red in the face with his eyebrows furrowed and he stomped out of the room. Kevin inhaled loudly and Avery went to go check on him. Dan and artist Joe stood near trying to comfort Kevin.

The older man crossed his arms at you.

"How in the world did you let this hospital go down the drain?" You asked.

"Not even a hello (Y/N)?"

"Answer the question, Richard. Tell me how you failed to keep this hospital in good standing after I saved your ass two years ago."

Jordan put a hand on your shoulder, but Richard sat down.

"It's not me, (Y/N). I swear I'm two years sober. I tried everything for this hospital, but it's the funding. The board is making us have a merger with another hospital. People are messing up because they can't do their procedures properly, but they can't not treat patients or they get cut from the program."

You didn't respond to Richard. You sat back and tried to think of a solution. Everyone was watching you, but the focus shifted when Dan asked, "How much does Kevin owe?" 

Avery flipped through Kevin's chart. "If he stays for another two days, which I genuinely recommend, it will be a little over 20k if there aren't any further complications."

"I can cover that for him..." You looked to Richard. "I can sue, but I won't. There's no point in suing a hospital that can barely fund itself. I just ask that Dr. Jackson goes on probation. It's one thing to not have money, but it's another thing to be an incompetent doctor."

Richard nodded slowly, "Thank you (Y/N)," His pager went off. "Ah, I have to go see a patient, but I'm sure Dr. Carter can help you with anything else."

Once he left, everyone was looking at you again while you were looking at Kevin.

"Kev, I know you can't talk with a tube down your throat and another in your side, but I'm not giving you a choice about the money. It's better that I pay it off all at once for you. Personally, I don't care how long it would take for you to pay me back, but this hospital does- for each month they don't receive 2k, they add a 10% interest rate... Blink twice if you understand."

He blinked once, and then twice.

Avery moved to the side with his IV. "Mr. McFarlane, I'm going to give you some morphine so you can go back to sleep. You need your rest."

Everyone waited until Kevin was asleep before they got up to leave. Artist Joe even pulled out a creature carl plushy from his bag and set it on the bedside table for Kevin to wake up to.

In the hallway, everyone walked in a pack. It wasn't until the parking lot that people split up. Intern Joe went with Jordan to head back to the office, Dan and artist Joe were on their way to visit Aron, and you and Aleks sat in his car, unsure of what to do.

Aleksandr (ImmortalHD x fem!reader/Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now