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When you woke up, you felt Aleks pressed up against you. Even though you were still half-asleep, you noticed that you were in your bed. Aleks must have carried you from the couch. You snuggled into his chest as you searched for warmth. Your movement slightly woke him up.

"Hmm," Aleks murmured into your hair.

"Morning," you whispered into his shirt.

Aleks' voice was raspy when he said,"I could get used to waking up like this."

The blankets crumpled up against your skin, but you still felt cold. Aleks started to rub your arms while you wormed your way even closer to him. You closed you eyes and took in his scent. You were drifting back into unconsciousness when Aleks whispered,"Go back to sleep, it's still early."

The second time you woke up, Aleks wasn't next to you. You sat up in bed and rubbed your eyes. The clock read 7:30. You checked your phone to see if he left a message, but he didn't.

You tried not to think too much about it. You got out of bed and stretched some more and started heading over to the bathroom. You stopped for a second when you heard some rustling. All of a sudden, Aleks opened the bathroom door.

His hair was soaked and dripping and he had a towel around his neck. He wore only his pants and boxers, and his chest was slightly glistening from the steam.

"Oh, sorry, I hope you don't mind- but I sort of have to run home to let the dog out and change clothes," He said while trying to dry his hair.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, "Don't be silly, I'm not holding you hostage,"

In response, Aleks put his hands on your hips. In a quick movement, he hoisted you up and pinned you against the wall with your legs around him and bodies pressed together. You gasped as he growled into your ear, "You have no idea what you do to me."

And then he immediately put you down, and pecked you on the lips and said, "Gotta jet."

You were frustrated as you stood there watching him put on his shirt and shoes.

"Way to give me blue balls," you called out.

"Touché!" He chuckled back as he grabbed his keys and left.

You rolled your eyes and started to get ready. Your makeup consisted of some eyeliner and mascara. You decided to put your hair in a low braided bun and put on a simple simple loosely-fitted black dress that ended at the middle of your thighs. On top of that, your wore your long gray cardigan and your gold necklace from yesterday. For shoes, you wore black booties.

You grabbed all of your things and headed out the door.

You sat parked in the office car thinking for a few minutes. There was an eerie feeling that shot through your spine and gave you the chills. You weren't sure why your hands were slightly shaking. It wasn't because of Aleks... When you reached the office, you saw that almost everyone was there. You immediately pulled Jordan to the side.

"Jordan.. Something is wrong,"

"There was an accident- I'm sorry, (y/n) but I have to get everyone for this meeting,"

Jordan and Dan herded everyone into the conference room.

"Some of you may have heard, but earlier this morning, there was a car accident involving Aron and Kevin.." Dan grimaced as people were finding a seat. You sat in between Stefani and Jordan. Stef noticed that your hands were shaking and held one of them. There was a collective amount of gasps and murmurs as Dan and Jordan told the derails.

"Aron is a bit bruised up, but Kevin got the worst of it.. We aren't sure how well he is right now,"

Once again, you felt the chills. You wanted to tune them out, but you struggled. Stef squeezed your hand.

Jordan continued, "We won't be able to visit until 10am or so.. but this is a good time to talk. As a company, we do not have a health insurance plan that is sufficient enough to cover their hospital bills. I wish that we could have applied for a better policy earlier, but it was impossible,"

"What are they going to do then?" Artist Joe said quietly.

"Are we not even allowed in the waiting room?" James wondered.

"It's up to you guys," Dan said.

"We're their family out here. We have to go," Stefani pleaded.

"If you have work to do, I suggest getting it done," Dan said, "Its going to be a long day today."

Slowly, people started to get up and walk to their respective offices. Stef gave you a hug before she got up, making sure that you were going to be okay. You saw Aleks give you a short nod, suggesting that you meet him in his office. You gave him a small smile, but you had to talk to Jordan first.

"Would it be too late to apply for a policy? There has to be some sort of way that the company can help, right?"

"I wish I knew, (y/n)... I know that you're upset right now, but it's ultimately on you. The insurance company will keep rejecting plans until we have a certain number of people working, or a definite income. But our jobs as youtubers- none of that stays the same. You know the ins and outs of business so you know better than any of us on what to do."

He sat there, scratching at his beard, waiting for a response.

"I'll try," you whispered. "I just hope they're both okay.."

"Me too."

Jordan sat with you for a minute before he had to start getting stuff done. That's when you remembered that Aleks wanted to see you.

When you walked in, James was sitting in one of his chairs. Aleks was at his desk chair. You sat in the second couch chair that was next to James.

"How are you holding up, (y/n)?" James asked.

"I can't stop thinking about everything,"

"They'll be okay, y'know that? They have to be,"


"Fuck insurances companies man. They never do shit." Aleks grumbled as he leaned back in his chair.

You saw James cover his eyes. That's when you remembered about his back and all the surgeries he had to get done.

"Oh James.."

He stood. "Yeah. It's fucked up," and out the door he went, closing it behind him. You were ready to cry. Everything was just so overwhelming and it was getting to you.

Aleksandr (ImmortalHD x fem!reader/Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now