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You woke up to the sound of Aleks moving around the room. You sat up in bed slowly, looking towards the clock. It was around midnight.

"Shit I'm sorry. Didn't mean to wake you," Aleks whispered.

You gave him a small smile after rubbing your eyes.

"It's okay," You said softly while getting back under the covers.

Aleks undressed quickly before getting into bed. You snuggled towards him and kissed him gently on the lips before whispering, "Good night."

In the morning, you decided to make breakfast before getting ready to go to the office. You weren't surprised to see Aleks still asleep, but you let out a small laugh when you also saw Mishka still sleeping in her bed. You could tell she was dreaming by the way she would occasionally kick her paws and wiggle her ears.

When you opened the fridge, you saw that Aleks hasn't been to the store in awhile. There wasn't enough time for you to go to the grocery store, so you had to make do with what he had.

You pulled out some eggs, cheese, and sausages from the fridge and started to make omelettes. As the pan was warming up, you managed to find bread in a pantry that you could use to make toast.

You couldn't stop yourself from thinking about what Jordan said to you the other night. You then started to wonder about what James and Aleks were saying about leaving. You started to text Jordan.

Y/N: Jor- we have to put out an announcement that clarifies the fact that I'm not permanent

While you waited for his response, you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Y/N?" Aleks called out.

"Breakfast is served," you smiled as you laid out the omelettes on a plate.

Aleks let out a big goofy smile before coming over and hugging you. He tucked his head in the nook of your neck where he kissed you multiple times. You giggled and let out a small sigh of pleasure, however, you had to stop Aleks from unhooking your bra.

"Later," you smiled and booped him on the nose with your finger.

As the two of you ate, Aleks kept his hands to himself. Aleks started to tell you about a crazy dream he had. He was explaining something about floating trees when his phone started to ring. It was James.

You did your best to keep quiet while you put the dishes in the dishwasher. You didn't want to eavesdrop, so you started to make your way upstairs to get changed. That was when Aleks took a gentle hold of your shoulder.

"She's actually right here.. uh..cmon dude.. I'm gonna put you on speaker, one sec"

Your eyes widened at Aleks, "Uh hi James"

Aleks crossed his arms, and you could tell that this was about to get serious. You were holding the phone up for the both of you while James let out a big sigh.

"Do you remember how Aleks and I were asking about copyright stuff?" James asked.

"Yeah," you simply stated.

"Well.. fucking shit.." Another sigh and the sound of James shuffling things around. "I'm- we- we're tired of the creatures. I know you just came back and all, and you've already dealt with shit from Kevin, but can you see how much of a hell hole it has become?"

You looked to Aleks; his face was relatively grim, and he just looked at his phone, but he spoke up.

"We're planning on leaving to do our own channel.. A channel that won't limit the creative process, and actually run as a proper business- not some biased shit." 

You thought about what to say, but all you came up with was. "Thats understandable.. so what's the plan?"

Silence. So they had a goal, but they were still unsure. "Alright, you know what, neither of you have to come in today, right?" You paused.

"Right" "Yeah"

"Then we'll meet at your house, James. I'll just tell Jordan something came up, it's whatever."

James let out a smaller sigh, but agreed and then hung up. You handed Aleks his phone back, and asked, "Who else have you guys spoken to about this?"

"Brett Hundley"

Aleksandr (ImmortalHD x fem!reader/Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now