~ chapter 7 ~

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Molly's pov

Staying here with sans and papyrus was amazing. I loved it here. Sans is starting to warm up yo me more. He gives me loving kisses on the cheek and we have our moments where we do nothing but cuddle and love one another. He would still make me blush and get flustered though. I think that's the only thing that he does i hate so much. Other then that i love him to death. I've met Some other people too. Not on purpose more like on accident. Undyne i met when she came over to train with papyrus. Sans had to go out that day. He said i had to stay in his room but i had to pee so freaking​ badly. I tried to be cautious but as soon as i got out of the bathroom i ran in to her. Luckily papyrus was able to keep her from killing me. Sans wasn't to happy when he got home and saw that i was wrestling with undyen on the floor later that day. Ever since then we became really close friends. That's when she took me over to hotlands and we met her girlfriend alpyhs. She was a little creepy at first but once i found out she likes anime i instantly knew we would be close friends as well. Her robot though he's kinda.....dramatic. Especially when he's on stage, but other then he was pretty close too.

Today undyne wanted me to come over to her place today to hang out and just talk. Sans didn't like that idea so i had to reassure him that i'll be ok. It took me a while but i finally got through to him and he agreed but i had to wear my collar he had told me to make everyone know that i have a master and if they tried anything. He would give them a bad time. I only giggled at him and kissed him on the cheek making him blush. He then kissed and hugged me close when undyne arrived for me. He held on to me for a bit, he whispered in my ear softly. " be careful my sweet..ok? I worry about you.". I smiled and hugged him back with a tight squeeze.  " d..don't worry master. I'll be ok". I whispered back to him. He chuckled and broke the hug, cupping my cheek in his hand. " sweetheart i told you already, you can call me by my real name." i blushed a little while looking away. He tilted hid head and smiled softly. " huh? What's wrong sweetie?". " i..i like calling you m..master.". I said quietly.  He raised a non existing eyebrow and smirked at me. " you like it?". I nodded. He chuckled and kissed my cheek again. " don't worry hun, i won't kinkshame.". Smiling at him i kissed him back once more then left with undyne. About halfway to her house we were attacked by some thugs- well i was attack by some thugs. Undyne didn't notice till she looked next to her and saw that i was gone. When she came back i was on the ground with a black eyes and multiple bruises on my neck and arms. She felt awful and picked me up running all the way to her house.

Getting inside she set me down on her couch then ran to her bathroom coming back out with peroxide and medical bandages and meds. She knelt next to me and began to open up the peroxide, but i grabbed her hand to stop her reassuring her i was fine all i needed was ice. She ignored me and kept on opening it then she grabbed a rag and dabbed some on to it and then gently pressed the rag to my neck. I flinched back in pain when she placed it there. When she was done fixing me up she sat me at the table and offered me something to drink. " u...um t..tea?". " what kind?". I thought for a moment before giving her an answer. " s..sweet?". She nodded and began making the tea. She grabbed a pot and put water inside before turning on the stove and placing the pot on top. She turned back to me and smiled. " it will take a minute for the water to boil.". She came over and sat in front of me. " in the mean time, how are you doing?". I tilted my head to the left a little. " i..i've been fine thanks. What about you and al?". She gave a sheep chuckle while rubbing the back of her neck. " everything between me and her have been good.". I smiled at her then looked at the stove seeing the water was boiling. " um undyne."

" yeah?"

" the water is boiling"

" huh? Oh! Heh thanks".

She stood to her feet and ran over to the stove turning it off and taking out the tea bags she gently placed them in the water while circling them around to seep the tea in. 10 minutes went by then she took out the tea bags and threw them away then got out sugar and pour in a bunch then began to stir it slowly. She's been improving a lot. When i met her she was a bit rough at making stuff but giving her lessons and stuff she's been a lot more gentle. I smiled when she came back with two cups in her hands, she gave me mine and sat next to me.

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