~ chapter 2 ~

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Molly's pov

" f...f..flowey...". He nodded and smiled warmly up at me. " that's my name. Might i ask what yours is?". "M..me?.w..well..m..my name is molly...nice to meet you flowey.". He tipped his head, this flower is quite the little gentlemen. I giggled a little at him. Then i took one finger and gently patted his head. " m..my aren't you a treat". Once again i giggled at him when i saw him blushes a little. " a...awe i..i'm only teasing." he pouted at me for a bit. Until a slight snap was heard, this changed his happy expression to a deep fear. This confused me a little and also struck a bit of fear in me as well. Turning my head to where the noise had came from i spotted something ruffling in the bushes. Tumbling back i shield my head with my hands preparing for some kind of impact. When nothing came i opened my eyes slightly and saw a small frog. " awe hey little guy". I said holding my hand out to him. This freaked flowey out a bit. I gasped when i felt his little petals griped on to me. " stay away from him! He's dangerous!"

Standing to my feet i made my way over to the frog and bent to his height patting his head gently. I could have sworn heard him pur. " this little guy? He's so cute though.". Flowey sneered. " he maybe but he can be manipulative. Be careful around him and other monsters.". I smiled at him then bent to the frogs height. " what's your name sweetie?".

* Froggit didn't understand what you said...but was flattered anyway

" huh...w..who said that?".
" said what?"
" i heard a little voice". I said standing up to my feet. Flowey shrugged his leaves and stared up at me. " maybe you hit your head to hard.". Rubbing it i smiled shyly and blushed. " hehe guess i did. Hey...you seem to know the routes down here. Mind telling me a way out of here?". He nodded and motions me to follow him, doing so he lead me to another room. Froggit also followed beside me as well. Guess he likes the company i didn't mind though, if he's comfortable its alright with me. Clearing his throat i turned my attention to Flowey who was by a bunch of buttons on the ground. "Down here in the underground there are a multiple puzzles to be solved. Solve them correctly and you live. Solve them incorrectly and the penalty is....death.". My eyes widened when he said the last part. ' die? I..i can't die im too young and the puzzles...i can't solve them im bad at puzzles.'.

Again lost in confusion, fear, and thought i didn't hear flowey yell at me. " L..look out!". " huh" looking beside me i came face to face to a new monster. A new and BIG monster. She kinda looked like a type of goat monster. She wore a long and black dress with red lines up and down it. Her fur was a grimy white while it gave off a slight ruffled state to it. This lady should really think about getting a new sense of fashion.

Luckily she didn't see me so i was able to slip past her and run to the next room where i could hide behind a pillar. " froggit!". Gasping i poked my head out of my hiding spot and saw the goat monster holding my new friend in the air while gripping him by the neck. She had a sneer of hate on her face like she was mad or upset about something. " where is it! Where is that human?!". " froggit.....froggit".
"I Don't Want To Hear Any Excuses! Tell Me Where They Are. Or Do I Have To Endure So Much Pain To Get It Out Of You!". Tears filled my eyes when i heard her say this. I can't let her do that. I have to save him. Looking around i spot a smallish medium size rock. An idea popped in my head as i picked it up and chucked it at her hoping to hit her in the head. I got a burst of excitement for like two seconds then that turned in to fear in 1.5 of a second. " uh oh". She smirked evily then dropped froggit who gladly hopped away.when she got closer i got to see her face a bit closer. She had yellow color eyes and a red pupil. She chuckled. " hm~ there you are." fear shook inside of me as she towered over me. " why are you crying my child? Are you afraid of your mother?". " i....i..i". She chuckled and held her hand out yo me. " my name is toriel. Im the caretaker of these ruins.". " m..molly". Before i could take her hand floweys voice cut in. " don't trust her molly! She's trying to trick you!". " tsh...blast that flower". She mumbled under her breath. It took me a minute before i instantly took off running down the hall i was in. I didn't care if other monsters saw me. I needed to get away. Running and turning down halls i was finally able to get away from that goat monster. Looking around at my surroundings i noticed i was in front of a small house. I guess i was too busy trying to get away then to look where i was going.

This must be where that lady lives.i wonder is she is here. But if so how would she. That lady was behind me the whole time. Unless she slipped past me when i was taking a quick resting stop. I hope she didn't get ahead of me. I don't want to run in to her again. Who knows what she had done to froggit and flowey. Come to think of it. Where is that little guy? I hope he's ok.

As i approached to front of the house to knock on the door. I hesitated at bit at first but then i slowly and softly knocked. Hearing no one answer i opened the door up a little and peeked inside. Flowey said that the only way out of the underground is through her home.


" i really need some help getting out of here. Know a way?"

" i do but the only way out of the ruins is through toriels home."

End of flashback ( sorry :p)

*Remembering him say these words fills you with determination!

Searching around the room i noticed a flight of stairs right across from me. Making the sure the coast was clear I held my head up as high as i could and i quickly and quietly ran over. I ran down the stairs as fast as i could and made it to a big giant door at the end of a big hallway. Bending down on my knees to catch my breath i didn't hear the footsteps from behind me.

Something flew past me, it looked like fire but whatever it was it made me jump out of the way fast enough so j didn't get hit. Looking back at whoever threw it my eyes widened in fear. ' toriel.'. She had an anger expression as she made another attack. " how dare you run away from your mother! Then i find you coming home and then try to run away to the outside world!". I yelped when another fireball flew past me. I glance back at her and pleaded. " please. I don't want to hurt you. M..mother...please. L...let me go...please". She looked at me in shock when i called her mother. She seized her attacks then walked up to me and got on to her in front of me. She place both hands on my shoulders and looked at me in the eyes. " child...do you know the consequences when you leave here? He....ASGORE...will kill you". I sadly looked down. " I knew if i left i would be killed. I knew i would but, its not like anyone on the surface would want me back there. They all hate me..because im weak and small....they're the ones who pushed me down here. They said i would rot and die for the rest of my life down here just like the .monsters did...eh um...n..no offensive."

I could tell she felt bad for me. She knew i was going to be stubborn about not leaving so she agreed to let me go only if i let her pack me some warm clothes and food on the road over to the castle. I nodded and walked back upstairs with her where she pulled out a small hello kitty bag and filled that up with a bunch of snacks. My eyes sparkled at the bag as i looked at it in awe. She chuckled a little. " do you like the bag i have? One of the humans before said its a big hit back on the surface and so she gave it to me to have.". My eyes softened. Looking up at her i got second thoughts about her. She's showing me so much kindness and love. Why doesn't she just kill me already. At the thought of no one loving or caring about me tears begin to form in my eyes. This caught her attention. She sighed then Gave me a quick hug and handed me the bag. " my child. When you leave here ask asgore to stay here with us in the underground. Tell him that toriel wishes him a meeting and that she wants to make a deal with him. Ok?". I sniffed and wiped the tears from my eyes and nodded. She smiled once more and kissed my forehead. " good bye my child. Oh and one other thing before you go.". She reached in to her pocket and pulled put a small pink locket and handed that to me. Taking it i looked at it closely. It was a light pink with a bit of pink diamonds ( not real of course) encrusted in to the heart. On the back it read ' to my loving child'. More tears filled my eyes as i hugged toriel close and then made my way down the stairs again reaching the door. ' welp here i go'. Taking a deep breath i pushed opened the doors and then forward on my journey began.

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