~ chapter 9 ~

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Molly's pov

I woke up a little drowsy that next morning. I felt hot and sticky ( pfft) my head hurt, my stomach as well. Every part of my body ached and swelled. ' oh no. I must be sick'.

I groaned as i sat up in mine and masters bed. I looked over to my side and saw he was still asleep. Giving a small whine i got out of bed. Instant regret. As soon as i got up from our bed blood rushed around my body to quickly and i instantly felt light headed. Once i felt like i was able to stand on my own i made my way towards our door and in to the bathroom where i fell to my knees in front of the toilet. I took several deep breaths before i finally felt my stomach clench in pain and i threw up disgusting bile. The after taste was awful, it felt like my throat was on fire and my stomach completely empty.

I kept this action up for about a good thirty minutes before i heard an alarm go off. ' wait what time was it?'. I thought to my self as i looked outside. It looked dark as always but a lot more gloomy. Standing uo and flushing the discarded bile away i basically limped in to the bathroom doorway. Feeling some one loom over i looked up and found papyrus staring down at me, worry written all over his face. " Human? What On Earth Are You Doing Up At This Hour?". I coughed a little bit before i answered him back. " w...w..what time is it?". He looked down at his wrist and sighed. " It's 5:30 In The Morning..Are You Alright?".

I shook my head and coughed more this time a little more.....a lot more violently. This made papyrus even more worried, he gently picked me up in his arms and took me in to his room where he laid me down on to his bed. ' huh...never been in here before'. I looked around curiously at his room. It was a lot more tidy then sans room. Black and red painted his walls, along with red and black fully comforters. On a desk laid a simple pc unit, it was opened to a page filled with all sorts of cooking pages. On another desk laid multiple action figures and books piled on top. I smiled a little once i noticed the giant pirate flag hung on to his wall no to far from his bed.

I jumped a little when I heard papyrus clear his throat to catch my attention. *did a pretty good job that's for sure.* i looked back at him and saw he had a spoon in one hand while a giant bottle layed in the other. It took me a while to realize what he had, medicine.

' oh no...no no no no no i hate that!'

You see i have this fear. I fear that if i take to much of that medicine stuff even if it's just a spoonful i always fear that it would only make me feel worse. I scrunched up my nose while placing my hands over my mouth turning my head away as he put the spoon next to my mouth.

" Come On Human, You Have To Take The Medicine In Order To Get Better". He said calmly still trying to give me the medicine. I kept my head turned as i blushed slightly. " i......i don't wanna take it...its nasty."

I heard him sigh and get up from the bed. He left his room for a minute, after he did i heard a few knocks, it was faded but i knew he was trying to wake my master up. Fear struck over me. Not only did i fear waking him up but when he's asleep and is woken up at almost 6 in the morning just because i won't take my medicine. I shook in under the sheets when i heard him answer the door. " What's up boss? Has kitten done somethin wrong or is she tryin to make you eat breakfast again?". " Sans, your so called ' kitten' Is Sick. I Tried To Give Her Some Medicine But She Refuses To Take It". I heard sans scoff. " the force her to, she ain't that difficult to handle.". "I Know She's Not But I Don't Feel Comfortable Forcing Her To Do It Because She's Your Pet".

Silence went on for a few seconds before sans mumbled something under his breath. " where is she?". "In My Room Resting, Sans...Please Be Careful With Her."

" yeah yeah yeah whatever pap."

I shrunk down more when i felt a dominate presence loom over me. I felt him sit on the edge of the bed and clear his throat before he spoke to me. " Kitten, why ain't ya takin your meds?". I sat up in the bed a little and blushed while looking down. " I.....i don't like it". " It doesn't matter if you like it or not". He said firmly. He reached his hand out to papyrus who gave him the medicine and spoon. After pouring the red liquid out on to the spoon he then held it out in front of my face. " Take It". I flinched at his random act of harshness. I whined a little disobeying his command. " n...no"

"Excuse me?"

" * gasp*"

Now believe me when i say this, my master loves me he does. But when i don't obey what he tells me to do shit goes down. Either i get a time out in my 'cage' or he bends me over his knee again like last time, but if i tell him no? Not only do i get spanked but he literally pays no attention to me what so ever.

No cuddles, no kisses, no pets, no type of affection. I squeaked when i saw his red pin pricks disappear from his eyes. " Did you Just tell me...No?". He chuckled then grabbed me by my collar, pulling me close to him. Papyrus sighed as he walked away to leave his room. He told us to take it to sans room which my master kindly did. He pulled me up roughly by my arm and dragged me back towards our room. He slammed the door behind him and glared back at my shivering form. " Cage. Now.".



I yelped and instantly ran in to my cage. He closed the door and locked it before going back to his bed. Sitting on the edge he kept his eyes one me making feel even more smaller then i was. " You will stay in there till i wake back up again you understand me?". I nodded meekly, scared to even speak to him. He growled and asked me again. " Under.Stand me!". " y...y..yes master...". " good..now...go to sleep"

" b..but"

He raised his eyebrow and glared again. " y....yes master". I meekly said curling up in to a ball. He hummed in satisfaction then laid back in his bed falling asleep again.

I hated this side of him, but also loved it. It made me feel like he...he is my actual master. " i...i..i" he sat up again. "What?"


"Fucking say it what is it?".

"I....i love you...".

" ......."

" i love you too...".

I almost cried. :(

Word count 1240

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