~ chapter 6 ~

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Molly's pov

Waking up the next morning was a little more calmer. My master - so i should call him- was still laying in his bed asleep with his mouth fully open while his tongue stuck out of the side of his mouth. I giggled a little at this picture. Here i was thinking my master was mean and cruel, but to be honest, the only time he was is when he is either really mad or drunk. I smiled before sitting up in my bed and stretching cracking my back a little before yawning and rubbing my eyes. Getting out of bed i slowly and quietly made my way out of his room and downstairs where i found papyrus in the kitchen making breakfast. I walked up behind him and tugged his scarf gently, getting his attention. When he looked down at me he smiled and stopped everything that he was doing and bent down to my height and rubbed my head. " good morning little one.". I scrunched up my face at the nickname. He chuckled and stood back up again and placed his hands on his hips while looking down at me. In my opinion, papyrus seems to be a lot more nicer then his brother. I mean besides the fact that he wear such scary clothing, but that's on the outside. It only makes him look intimidating, but on the inside he's really nice. Sure at first he was mean to me but once we got to know each other ( hint when i was cleaning the house) he started being nice to me.

Smiling up at him my nose smelled some food cooking on the stove. I could help but sniff the air a bit. My mouth began to water a little from hunger. Ever since i fell down here i never had anything to eat really. Papyrus noticed this action and he picked something off the counter and put it in my hands. " here eat this. It will bring your strength up.". I looked down at what ever was in my hands and smiled. An apple. " t
.thank you papy". He nodded in response then shooed me out of the kitchen. " go watch some tv, the remote is on the coffee table.". " o..ok".

When i got over to the couch and sat down, i grabbed the remote and turned the tv on. Something graphic was on. It was.....gory. I shuttered and flipped through the channels and finally found funimation. Holy shit they actual have that here?. I slowly looked at sans room. He's still asleep so i guess i can watch a few episodes.

- hours later-

Im so dead. I know i said only a few episodes but i got so caught up in to it i couldn't stop watching it. I loved anime so much. If i watch one episode i'll watch the next then so on and so on. Im a freaking otaku baby! ( #otakuforlife) i sighed a little. It was kinda getting boring though. Papyrus came in and watched a few episodes with me then he had to leave for work. It had been hours though. Sans still isn't awake yet. I looked around a bit before laying on to the couch. It was close to my nap time so i guess i can get a few winks before master wakes up. Laying down i closed my eyes and started to relax a bit. Before i could even fall asleep the door to sans room slammed opened and there in the door way stood my *terrifying* master. He looked pissed about something, cuz the look on his face read pure anger as he looked from left to right. Oh geez. He's looking for me. Freaking out i squeaked and threw a blanket over me hiding myself from the world. I heard him growl before heavy footsteps made hard thuds downstairs and across to me. I curdled more into a ball when i felt the covers get pulled off of me. I scrunched up even more in to a ball, scared that he might give me another beating. He only growled and picked me up in his arms and sat down with me in his lap snuggling into me close. I slowly snuggled him back before calming down again. I was gonna try and sleep but everytime that i tries to i jolted back awake. I didn't want my master to get upset, so i tried my best to stay awake.

After a bit of awkward silence i heard him sigh and felt a blanket get pulled over us, then his hand went on to my back as he rubbed circle on the lower part of me. I blushed at his sudden movement and looked at him in confusion. He looked back at me and continued his action before pulling my head to his lip(?) and kissing my forehead head softly. " go on ahead and take your nap dollface. I'll wait for ya ok? In that time i'll keep an eye socket out for ya.". I smiled and nodded my head as i snuggled in to his chest and slowly started to fall in to a deep sleep. " g..good night kitten".

" good night sans..."

Sans pov

I flinched at her response. She actually called me by my name. My real name. I felt something deep in my chest. What was this new feeling i have? Why does it only happen when im around her? She makes me feel so different....she brings me...love. Is this what im feeling? True love? Have i finally found someone besides my bro that makes me feel happy? I sighed as i rubbed her hair softly. It was so soft and fluffy, and her skin....her soft milky white skin. Her voice....so angelical and beautiful....and so cute. She's perfect. She amazing and i love her so much. But....why doesn't she think the same? She loves everyone around and hopes the best for them, but on the inside of her she truly hates herself.


' Im not cute at all. Sans'.

End of flashback~
Those words, hurt me more then anything. She is cute and she will see it sooner or later. She will no matter what i want to help you. I looked down at her gently. Her face was so calm and collected, and she was blushing. She blushes in her sleep? ' hehe. Wonder what your dreaming about' i thought as i kissed her forehead again. I layed back with her on my chest and thought to myself. After about thirty minutes she woke up and yawned. She looked and me while rubbing her eyes and smiled. "Hehe, good morning sweetheart. Sleep well?". She nodded and sat up on my lap stretching. When she did that her shirt lifted up a little and revealed a bruise on the side of her body. My eyes went black in seconds. She looked down at me then pressed her hands to her chest. She's getting scared. I sat up and instantly pulled her in to the biggest hug and stayed there for a few minutes. I spoke in the calmest voice i could. " look. Sweetie. im so sorry i hurt you those other times. I didn't know what i was thinking or...well feeling. After you said those words i felt absolutely terrible. That's why i got mad. That's why i left and got drunk at Grillbys. In my dazed drunkenness i lost sight of who i was and i....i hurt you. I didn't mean to sweetheart. Im sorry....can you ever forgive me?"

She looked at me with an emotionless face before tears filled her eyes as she smiled sadly and tackled me in to a hug. She cried for a bit. I just layed there and hugged her softly hushing her telling her everything is gonna be ok. After she was done i turned the tv back on and we both layed on the couch while she watched her anime and i just....admired her. I ain't gonna let no one hurt her. Not even the king himself will lay a finger on her. I'll protect her with everything that i have. She's my baby doll. My sweetheart. She's.....

......she's my one and only true love..

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