Chapter 7

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*Hayes POV*

It's Sunday. Ugh. That means that there's school tomorrow. I'm actually kind've excited because it's spirit week and, me and Lyric haven't gone to school while being together. The entire football team knows, her friends know, and this one girl that is obsessed with me is beyond angry. She wants to kill Lyric, but she goes to a different school. (not literally, just getting a point across)

Lyric and I are twinning all week.

Monday- Twin Day

Tuesday- School Colors Day

Wednesday- Sports Day

Thursday- Steve Urkel Day

Friday- Hawaiian Day/ Last day of school 😊

Honestly, I'm excited for Thursday 😂

Lyric and I got a bunch of matching things for each day. On twin day we are wearing our new hoodies, jeans, and black vans. On tuesday, she is wearing her school cheer uniform and I am wearing my football uniform- my gear, on Wednesday, were decking out in Florida Gators attire, on Thursday were wearing high jeans, suspenders, a button up polo, and nerdy glasses. I'm so excited for that day 😂 on Friday she is wearing our matching hoodies from last summer when both of our families went to Hawaii.

Summer is going to be perfect. No homework, no alarm clocks, sleepovers every day(not every day but you know)

And no annoying people. finally, Lyric all to myself. at last.


Short chapter sorry): more tomorrow

Shoutout to my sister who is currently sleeping on my floor who happens to love this story 😂

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