The Begining

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Rhaenrys POV
I looked over at the window of Illyrio home seeing the morning sun appeared behind the clouds. It was beautiful as it set over the Garden letting out a cascade of sparkles over the flowers. I only enjoyed it for a short while as I sharpened my sword when I heard Viserys my older brother called for me and my sister.

"Rhaenrys, Dany come here." I set my sword down on my bed and came to him as fast as I could not wanting to feel his wrath.

We all met in the dining room Illyrio sitting at the head as Viserys sat to his left and Dany sat across from him. I continued to stand as I was a soldier and I had no right to sit with the royal family.

"Rhaenrys come sit with us." Dany said pulling out the chair next to her.

"No! Dany how many times do I have to tell you Rhaenrys is your protector, a slave at most she does not sit with us royalty." Viserys snapped at her. Dany jumped at how rough his voice was and leaned back scared not wanting to make him mad.

Hearing him calling me a slave was nothing new. Ever since I was a little girl I was forced into slaverly then I was trained as a soldier. Now at fourteen I knew how to defend myself better than Viserys probably could.

I was only related to Viserys and Dany by their Father. It was one of his favorite Mistress that was my mother.

I came over to her and rested my hand on her shoulder comforting her as Viserys spoke again. "Now Dany." His voice was calmer but still had an edge to it. "To take back my throne I have set up a marriage with the great Dothraki Khal Drogo. He had 40,000 warriors in his khalasar behind him and agreed to get my crown back."

Viserys gave a wicked grin to Dany and I saw she began to cry. Dany was only fifteen barely into womanhood. She only started to bleed months ago. Now she is forced into marriage.

Dany began to cry and stormed out devastated of her future marriage to Khal Drogo. I went after her following the sounds of her cries to her room.

Reaching her room I stood outside the door quietly knocking on the door. "Daenerys, ma'am may I come in?" I asked holding my hands behind my back.

"Yes please" she squeaked through her tears. I opened the door slowly seeing her sitting in the middle of her bed criss cross crying her heart out.

" I don't want to get married especially this young." I nodded as I kneeled down beside her bed thinking about how I didn't want to become a soldier and go to war at such a young age.

"I am so sorry miss Daenerys, I wish there was something I could do." I gave her a gentle hug and she held on tightly sobbing into my shoulder. I pulled my long brown braid away as she continued to cry.

I felt my eyes began to water themselves but I quickly wiped them away as Daenerys passed out on my shoulder. I decided to lay her down to sleep and kissed her forehead.

"Sleep well Miss Daenerys."

I left her room leaving her to rest and left to my own chambers. On my way I ran into Viserys. "Where is Dany?" He asked angry. "Her room your grace, sleeping." I answered keeping my hands behind my back. "Khal Drogo will be here by midday to see his bride. Make sure she ready before then."

I nodded at his request and he left to prepare for Khal Drogo.

The Dothraki were no strangers to me. Ever since I came to Pentos I decided to learn their language and customs.

Reaching my chambers I grabbed my sword and began to sharpen it again before I had to wake Dany to see Khal Drogo.

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