Chapter 14

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*A week later...*

Kanan's P.O.V

   It's been a week and since I helped Hera with her problem. She told me the old lady never came back since that day yet I keep asking just in case. It's also a bit awkward talking about what happened later the day at night when we danced.

   It felt amazing when I danced with her even if it was my first time dancing. It was sort of like a dream but it was all real. I hope she didn't hear my heart beating out of my chest when she laid her head on it.

   After that we went to bed timidly and we've been getting less awkward as time passed.

   Later tonight, Hera was going to show me how to cook. I was actually pretty excited that work at the pawnshop went by faster. Soon it was time to go and I locked up the shop before heading to the bar. I waited until she came out and we walked home.

"Ready to learn how to cook?" Hera asked almost as excited as me.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I said as we entered the apartment. I closed the door behind us and we went into the kitchen. "We are going to make supper. I'll guide you through while you cook," she said. "Alright," I agreed then followed Hera's instructions on what things to use for cooking.

I was evidently making pancakes for supper with instructions from Hera. "Then pour the batter onto the skillet and wait for a couple of seconds then flip," she instructed. I nodded and waited for a couple seconds. "If your not sure, then you can lift the pancake and judge if you want to flip or not," she added.

I lifted the pancake a bit to see a brown bottom then flipped it. "Good job," Hera said impressed, "I think this is the first time I seen you not burn something." I smiled and rolled my eyes saying sarcastically, "Gee thanks." She laughed a little at my playfulness.

That's when the smell of smoke it my nose. I turned my head to see that the pancake was burning. "Kanan!" Hera yelled then the smoke alarms went off. I didn't know what to do so I backed away to let Hera take care of this. She moved next to the skillet and turned it off. I was still moving out of the way but stepped on something making me fall forward.

I bumped into Hera and she fell on the skillet.

A scream pierced through the apartment making my blood run cold. "Hera!" I said filled with worry. She quickly moved away from the counter and fell to the floor sitting. She looked down at her hands but I couldn't see anything but her back. "H-Hera?" I asked very worried and knelt down next to her gently placing a hand on her back.

   I felt her flinch then move away from me. This made me very concerned and a little hurt. "Hera-"

"WHY WOULD YOU PUSH ME INTO THE STINKEN HOT SKILLET?!" She asked yelling and interrupting me.

"It was an accident," I defended.

"Then why did you fall forward when you obviously had to fall backwards!" She said calming down.

"I stepped on something and tried to regain my balance!" I said.


"It wasn't intentional!" I said starting to lose my patience.

"LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!" Hera yelled showing me her burn't hands.

"Well aren't you the nurse. You can figure out how to heal it!" I shouted.

"BURNS AREN'T SIMPLE AND YOU KNOW WHAT I'M DONE WITH STUPID ARGUMENT!" She said getting up and walking off to her room. I still could feel rage lingering off of her as she slammed her door shut. I went to my room and slammed the door too.

I huffed then slid down sitting up against my door. All my rage left then sadness consumed me. This was all my fault, I should of paid attention to the pancake. I shakily stood up then walked over to my bed getting under the covers. I wasn't mad anymore but scared. Scared that Hera would find out how much trouble I am and throw me out.

I wasn't sure how but soon my eyes closed and drifted into sleep. It wasn't a peaceful sleep though.

   Everything was dark. There was no light or sound. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I called but there was no reply. I turned around and jumped when Hera suddenly stood there. "Uh, Hera. Look, I'm sorry for what happened-" she cut me off saying, "Shut up."

   I was taken back by this. "W-What?" I asked.

   "I said shut up you useless pile of dirt," she spat then showed me her hands, "You did this to me! You're a monster!"

   "N-no I didn't mean it," I stuttered.

   "She's right Caleb," I turned again to see Depa standing there. My eyes widen in disbelief.

   "You stood back like a coward and didn't save me," Depa added.

   "You told me to run," I said with tears burning my eyes.

   "It was all a test and you failed. I'm very disappointed in you, Caleb," Depa said crossing her arms.

   "All of this is your fault!" They both kept shouting over and over again.

   "NO!" I yelled.

   I shot up in bed and looked around to see myself in my room. Sweat beaded my face and I breathed heavily.

   Was that all true? Did I really let them down?

   I brought my legs up to my chest and cried. I was so scared and lost. This is my fault, everything that happened was my fault.

"Kanan?" I heard a soft voice and immediately stopped crying. I looked up at the door to see Hera peeking in with worry. "Are you ok?" She asked me but I didn't reply. Hera sighed then came into my room. She sat next to me on the bed and I ignored her.

"I'm so sorry about everything I did and said. It wasn't your fault and I lost my patients," she said then paused before asking, "Were you crying?"

"N-no," I stuttered looking away.

I couldn't see her face but I knew it was stern with worry. "Yes, you were. What's the matter?" She asked me.

"It was just a stupid nightmare?" I muttered, "and I thought you were mad at me."

"Friends do fight but in the end they can make up," Hera said, "and it wasn't your fault. This was your first time cooking. I should of known better to put the skillet at that temperature."

I flinched when she said 'friends' yet she was blaming herself for all this mess. I turned to see her back facing me and her head bent facing the ground. "I'm so sorry. I just hope you can forgive me," she said.

"Thank you," was all I could say.

Hera turned around then smiled before pulling me into a hug. I was surprised but hugged back with tears burning my eyes. "It's okay to cry. I promise I won't judge," she said. With permission, I began to cry into her shoulder.

She sat there comforting me the whole time until sleep took over and I was out.

The next time I woke up, the sun was shining through my window. I was laying down in my bed then felt something shift next to me. I looked down and blushed when I saw Hera. I took this moment and pulled her closer to me like she was a stuffed animal.

I almost jumped out of my skin when she spoke, "Morning."

"Morning," I replied then blushed asking, "W-Why are you sleeping in my bed?"

"Kanan," she said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You wouldn't let me go."


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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