Chapter 2

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Caleb's P.O.V

   Depa parked the car in a hidden area in the poor section so no one would find it. "Stay here and I'll be right back," Depa told me and got out of the car. I watched as she rounded the corner and disappeared. I wanted to help but didn't want to intrude if it was a serious situation.


   I jumped at the sound then it sounded like a war zone. A bunch of firing guns, yelling, and explosions. I couldn't see what was going on but I could hear it crystal clear. Something big was going on and I needed to move or I might as well be dead. I unlocked the car and slowly looked in both directions before sneaking to the corner that Depa disappeared around.

   I peeked around the corner to see a full out battle between the poor section and Depa, against.........the clones! I was really confused at the moment and wondered why the clones were attacking. The clones seemed so nice back at the station and now they look like they are trying to kill innocent people. But why? What has the poor section done to deserve this and betray a fellow officer.

I jumped back with my heart racing when a bolt almost hit me. I looked at the part of the home that was chipped off by the bolt. It was small but it could still have been deadly if I didn't move. I peeked around to corner again to see the continue to rage on.

I was pulled back with an arm around my chest and a hand covering my mouth. "Freeze, you are under arrest in the name of the Empire," a clone said as I struggled in his grip. I tried to yell for help but was muffled out by the clone's hand. The clone dragged me away but I kept fighting back making it harder for him.

"Let him go!" I heard the familiar voice of my mother figure yell. My heart skipped in joy. I saw her holding a gun at the clone or at least trying not to aim at me. "Freeze, in the name of the Empire," the clone said to Depa. She carefully aimed the gun and shot the clone in the leg. He screamed in pain and his grip on me loosened. I got out of the grip and ran over to Depa.

"Are you ok?" Depa asked me and I nodded. Depa sighed in relief then gave me a stern look, "I told you to stay in the car." "If I stayed in there then I would of still been found or killed," I replied. She calmed down and said, "We'll talk about this later but for now stay close."

"Ok," I said and we ran behind the small huts taking cover from the clones. "Why are the clones attacking the poor section and you?" I asked. Depa looked around the corner then over at me with no reply. She loaded the gun then gestured for me to follow. "Who is the Empire?" I asked but again, Depa didn't answer.

"What did the poor section do to make the clones do this?" I asked still no answer. We just kept hiding around houses and peeking around corners until it was safe to repeat the task. I finally had enough of the silence. "Why aren't you answering my questions? Did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me? Why are you ignoring me?!" I shouted with anger.

My anger evaporated when I saw the look of sadness on Depa's face. She put the gun in her holster and put her hands on my shoulders looking me straight in the eye. "I'm afraid," she admitted, "I'm afraid of you and other innocent people getting hurt. I don't know what has gotten into the clones or who this Empire is. I'm just as confused and shaken as you are. All I know and can do right now is get you and everyone else to safety." My eyes soften even more and I looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "It's fine," Depa said, "Can you trust me to get us both out of here without answering questions?" Trust. I used to have a horrible time trusting a person but Depa as earned my trust the day she saved me. Not just from the kidnapper but also from the streets and other adoptions. "Yes, I trust you," I said seriously. Depa nodded and pulled out her gun from her holster. "Then let's help and get people out of here," she said.

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