Prologue 1: Caleb

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Here's the plan for those of you who are wondering about the second book of Once Upon A Slave...

I think I'm going to wait to start that book when I'm done with this one. I hope you all don't mind my stopping some books for a while too. Alright, enjoy!!!


Caleb's P.O.V

"Are you sure want him Depa? He can be quite a hand full," Obi Wan Kenobi told the new officer, Depa Billaba. I huffed and rolled my eyes at Kenobi. The woman looked over at me and I glared at her.

I have been in more foster and sometimes adoption homes than I could count. I was the definition of trouble, people would say and then send me back after a month of living with them. My parents were killed when I was only a baby so I never knew them and from then on, I never had a place to call home. What was going to be different about this person?

The woman was giving me a long look which creeped me out a bit until she smiled. I rolled my eyes and turned my head to look out the window of the police station. The reason why I'm here is because I was living on the street when I ran away from the family I was staying with. When I was caught by the police, they told me that the family didn't want me anymore cause I was to much trouble.

This Depa woman was new to this place. I could tell she wasn't very familiar with anything or anyone. The two of us had talked while the other police were deciding what to do with me until Depa offered.

I honestly didn't even like talking to her and yet she still wanted to take me in. She barely even knows me!

I could even tell Kenobi was thinking hard about this then looked over at me. I glared at him then he turned back to Depa. "Alright," Kenobi said, "If you think you can care for him then we can get things arranged." I sighed even more irritated with Kenobi than ever. Every time I'm sent back, Kenobi tries and tries to get me a new family. Every time, I end up back here in the station or in an orphanage.

Why does he keep trying? You may ask but I wouldn't have an answer.

Soon, I was in a weird transportation thing and heading to Depa's place. I refused to talk to the woman so I crossed my arms and looked out the window. "Caleb, is it?" Depa asked but I didn't make any movement or sound to reply. "Are from the poor class or wealthy class?" Depa asked, "I'm not from around here but I do know about the division of Lothal."

   I glanced over at Depa to see her eyes on the rode and full of curiosity. "Why does it matter to you what side I'm on?" I spat still looking out the window. "I wanted to get to know you better since you are staying with me," Depa said. "Yeah, that's what they all say," I muttered.

   Depa sighed and kept going to her home. Once we parked, I got out of the car and grabbed my stuff. There wasn't much I had so I just put it all in a book bag. The two of us entered the small sea blue house. Depa showed me to my room and left so I could get comfortable with my new surroundings.

   I sat my bag down and flopped onto the green bed. The walls were green and I actually had a window in this room. I stood up and walked over to the window. I looked through the glass to see a small porch and nicely cut grass. I was surprised how nice this place was and wondered which side Depa was on, poor or rich.

I turned around to get a better look around the room. There was also a dresser for my clothes and a chest next to it. I walked over and opened the chest to reveal two blankets and a pillow. I shut the chest in disappointment and went to the bed. I laid down and stared at the ceiling until I fell asleep.

Depa's P.O.V

   After I left Caleb, I went to make supper for the two of us. It took about an hour before I was done making the food. I set the table up, put the food on the plates and water in the cups. Once I was satisfied, I walked to the room I left Caleb in and knocked on the door.

   "Caleb, suppers ready," I said but there was no reply. Out of curiosity, I opened the door and peeked in to see the boy sleeping on the bed. I smiled and didn't want to wake him up but I also didn't want the food to waste. I walked over to Caleb and gently shook him awake saying, "Caleb, wake up."

   Caleb started to open his eyes then suddenly shot up and looked around with fear in his eyes. He calmed down once he saw me and said in annoyance, "What?"

   "Supper is ready," I said trying to stay as calm as possible. He was sent to many home and in the end none wanted him so I can see why he wasn't much of a people person.

   Caleb rubbed his eyes before standing up and followed me to the kitchen. "Have a nice nap?" I asked. "I wasn't sleeping, just resting my eyes," he said sarcastically but I knew better. "Yeah, sure you were," I said smiling, "Do you like soup?"

He shrugged like he didn't care at all. "I'm assuming you said 'yes,'" I said. I gestured for him to follow me and he sighed then stood up following. I walked into the kitchen and sat at a seat with a bowl in front of me. I looked up to see Caleb still standing at the door with his arms crossed and facial expression blank. I gave an encouraging smile and gestured to the seat diagonal from me.

Caleb rolled his eyes and walked over sitting in the chair. "Before we start eating," I said, "Are you allergic to anything?"

He put a thinking look on and said, "Yeah, there is one thing I'm allergic too."

"What is it?" I asked him. Caleb stood up glaring at me and slammed his hands on the table. "You," he said simply then hit the bowl of soup away. The soup splattered onto me and I squeaked in pain from the hot broth. I used a napkin to wipe the soup off my face then watched as Caleb walked out the kitchen.

What is his problem? I didn't do anything to him. I let out a sigh to calm my angered mind then went to go find Caleb to find out what's going on. "Caleb," I called and went straight to his room. I knocked on the door and waited for some kind of reply but as I figured, there wasn't one. "Caleb, I'm coming in," I warned then opened the door.

I walked into the room to see nothing has changed except...

'Oh no,' I thought as I saw the window open and his bag was gone. Caleb ran away.

I raced out of the room full of worry then went to the phone that hanged on the wall. I dialed the police station then waited for some one to pick it up. "911, what is your emergency?" A woman's voice said over the phone. "Um, my charge, Caleb has run away and I don't know where he went," I said urgently.

"Can you give me a description so I can give it to the police station?" The woman said calmly. "He has short brown hair, tan skin, and green eyes," I said the best of my ability to describe Caleb. "Do not worry ma'am, we will find him," the woman said. "Thank you," I said with a little bit more hope of finding Caleb. I hung up and grabbed a coat and shoes.

I also grabbed my car keys then went to the car and headed to the police station. Maybe I could help look for him in some way, shape or form since I am a police officer as well. As I drove, my worry for the boy had increased. I wanted to help him, give him what he needed, help him understand that he isn't alone anymore. That I will keep him no matter what he does.

I just met Caleb today but I do care for him as if he was my own. That's why I want to help so badly.

'Don't worry, Caleb,' I thought, 'I'm coming.' I kept driving down the dark streets to the police station while keeping an eye out for him. I just hope to the stars that he is ok.


Stay tuned and adios!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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