Chapter 7

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Hera's P.O.V

We made it to my apartment and I unlocked the door. "This is where you live?" Kanan said giving me a questioning look. "Yeah, is there a problem?" I said raising my eyebrow. He shook his head no and I rolled my eyes entering the apartment. Kanan followed me in and closed the door behind him taking in the place.

   I hung my coat up and put away the umbrella. "Make yourself comfy and I'll make something," I said and Kanan gave me a look of disagreement. "Actually, I eat to help you. You were kind enough to let me stay and I don't want to be a burden," he told me. Kanan still stood at the door with soggy clothes and probably running a cold.

   I walked over next to him and locked the door. "Or," I started, "I could find some spare clothes for you to change in until we get you some new ones," I said. "Woah, woah, woah, you said I was just staying here for one night so I could recover," he said. "Well, at least take off the cloak. That's probably another reason you have a cold," I said.

   Kanan sighed and took off the cloak to reveal his face. This was the first time I actually seen his face to be honest. "What?" He asked, I guess I'm staring at him. "I just noticed that this was the first time I seen your face," I admitted. "Oh," he said looking down at his soaked cloak.

   I shook my head and giving my warmest smile. I took the cloak and hung it next to my coat. "Hopefully that will dry. Now..." I said and turned to Kanan thinking. "What?" He asked confused. "You need new clothes," I said then walked to my room. "Wait, I'm not wearing girl clothes," he argued while I entered the room.

   "You're not going to wear those clothes," I said, "They looked like they were practically falling apart anyway." I heard a groan of annoyance come from the other room while digging through some clothes. I grabbed the biggest shirt I owned, a pair of jeans that I accidentally bought that were to big on me, and  some socks.

   I walked back out from my room to see him still standing there waiting. I saw the he took off his shoes and that's when the smell hit my nose. "Here," I said giving him the clothes and pointed to the bathroom, "Please take a bath then change into these."

   Kanan looked down at the clothes and scoffed while raising the shirt. "Really, pink?" He asked. I rolled my eyes then pointed to the bathroom while saying, "It's the biggest one I have, now please go get a bath smelly."

   "Fine," he said then dragged his feet towards the bathroom and closing the door. I nodded my head and started to make us supper. I heard the shower start and smiled a bit.

   About an hour later, supper was done being made. I slapped a homemade pizza in the oven but before putting them in I had to put the ingredients together which took a while.

   I pulled the pizza out and heard Kanan come out of the bathroom. I set the pizza on the stove then looked over to see him in the pink shirt, jeans which surprisingly fit him, and socks. "Just in time," I said cutting the pizza, "Supper is ready."

   That's when I heard a growl of hunger and looked over at him. He scratched the back of his head with a blush of embarrassment forming on his cheeks. "I guess I'm hungry," he chuckled and I laughed a bit too handing him a plate. "Careful," I warned, "It's hot."

   "Really, I thought it was cold," he said playfully. "What are you? A flirt?" I joked but it seemed for a split second he was tense before relaxing and rolling his eyes. I shrugged it off and grabbed two slices. Kanan seemed to hesitate and looked regretful. "What's wrong?" I asked frowning.

   "Thank you, you've been so nice to me and I realized that I never thanked you yet," he said full of sorrow. I placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled said, "Anytime." He looked at me and smiled, a real genuine smile. "What are you waiting for," I said, "Your pizza will be cold if you don't eat it unless you thought it would get warmer."

   "Ha ha, very funny," he said grabbing two slices and putting them on the plate. We got two cups of water then sat on the couch and ate. I stopped for a moment and felt his head. Kanan gave me a questioning look before I said, "I think your cold is going away."

   "Cool," was all he said taking another bite of the pizza. "So," I said, "What class are you from?" I asked. "I don't really want to talk about it," he said. I nodded understanding and we sat in silence until he broke it. "What are your parents going to think when. They see me here. Wait..." He then looked at the time then back at me, "When are they coming back?"

   I looked down and played with my fingers. "I live by myself," I admitted and a tense silence  fell into the room. "Why," he started and I looked up at him. "Why what?" I asked.

   "I'm a total stranger that you just met today and you let me stay without barely even knowing me. Plus you are living alone," he said, "So why are you letting me stay here?" I looked him straight in the eyes and said, "I can read people. You don't seem like the bad type. You just seemed..."

   I stopped to collect the last word of my sentence. "I seemed what?" He asked cautiously."

   "Lost," I said. We both kept silence and stared at each other. Then I continued, "I guess, what I'm trying to say is that I have a feeling that I can trust you."

   He stared at me in disbelief and I could see tears welling up in his eyes. A single tear fell and I lifted my hand and brushed it away with my finger then cradled his head in my hand. He calmed down and leaned into the touch. Soon Kanan started to laugh a little then said, "I guess....I trust you too." I smiled and he returned it.

   "Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked and he shrugged. "I'll take that as a yes," I said and turned to the TV. After we were done eating, we sat back and watched the movie.

   I don't know when but I dozed off and fell asleep snuggling into something warm.

Kanan's P.O.V

   I liked down when something was laying on my shoulder. Heat rose into my cheeks when I realized it was Hera who was snuggled up to me. I smiled a bit then carefully lifted her up into my arms bridle style and went into her room. I placed her sleeping form into her bed and lifted the covers placing it on her up to the elbows.

   I went out of the room quietly and shut the door. I flinched a bit when a heard a squeak come from the door but shut it the rest of the way. I walked back over to the couch and found a blanket and pillow. I set the pillow down on the arm rest then laid down and laid the blanket on me.

   It was hard falling asleep with my thoughts from all of the events of today. 'Maybe,' I thought looking around the apartment, 'I could stay and get a job here in the city. Hera wouldn't have to be alone and I would have a roof over my head.' It didn't seem like a bad idea but there was one question that still was in the way of all that.

   'Would Hera want me to stay?'

I soon fell asleep with the same question on my mind.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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