How You Meet-Part Two

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Word Count: 7721


    You were minding your own business, walking down the road at around 7 at night. You suddenly heard a sickening scream. You didn't even try to stay out of it. If someone was in trouble, you wanted to help. You started running in the direction of the scream. It sounded like a man, but you weren't sure. Whoever it was had only screamed once, so you slowly came to a halt, the only sound you could hear was your heart beating.

    Then suddenly, the person screamed again. It sounded louder. Either the person was in more trouble, or you were closer now. You hoped it was the second one. You looked around you to figure out where you where. You recognized where you were, and that there was an alley just down the road. You figured that if anyone was in trouble, they would be there. You began to pick up your pace again, finally finding the entrance to the alley.

     You quietly peeked in, trying not to gain attention yet and lose the element of surprise. What you saw was two guys trying to jump another guy. He tried fighting back, but you could tell he had been caught off guard. One guy had pinned the person being jumped's arms behind his back. The other punched him a few times.

     "HEY!" You screamed, coming out of the shadows quickly, "OVER HERE YOU OVERGROWN KINDERGARTEN BULLY." You shouted.

    The people that were jumping the guy, who was also very attractive, mind you not, looked over at you and started laughing. Sure, you didn't look too intimidating. You were 5'5" and carrying a pretty purse for goodness sake. You were in a white lacy bralette with short, light, jean shorts with white lace on the side, with a floral cover on your shoulders. You were in a pair of black wedge heels. Of course you didn't look intimidating.

      However, what the wannabe-criminals didn't know is that you had a legal gun in your purse, along with pepper spray, and some lip gloss and gum.

    "Leave him alone. Right now." You said holding your ground, your hand ready to reach in your purse for your gun if need be.

    "Or what, darling?" One of the creeps asked.

    "Don't call me that." You respond simply. You weren't afraid. You were taught from a young girl how to face these exact situations.

    "Or. What?" The other imbecile asked.

    "Or I'll shoot you in your face pleading self defense. How's that sound?" You asked with an innocent smile on your face.

     "Shoot me with what sweetheart?" The first creep asked.

     At this point, you were beyond fed up with these idiots thinking you where some helpless little girl. You pulled the gun out of your purse and held it in the proper manner, ready to shoot when you needed to. All you had to do was turn off safety. The two guys looked shocked and let go of the guy without even noticing that they did. You walked closer, gun still aimed at them, and reached the end of the alley, standing in front of the guy to protect him.

     "Go. Now. I will not hesitate to shoot you anywhere I so please. I have a licence for this. All I have to do is cry self-defense and I'm off, no question." You said bravely. You looked pretty intimidating now.

    "Fine. Fine. We're going. Psycho."

     "What was that honey?" You asked, taking a small step closer.

     "Nothing." The wannabe #1 muttered back.

     "Mhm. Now. What did you take of his? Hmm?" You asked, gesturing back at the very attractive male you came here to protect.

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