24. It Looks Like A Modulated Dinosour

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Chapter 24. It Looks Like A Modulated Dinosaur.

*Fawn P.O.V*

~5 months later~

August, its an okay month, the reason I say okay is because, well it means the end of summer and the beginning of school.

Speaking of school, Derek has to stay back a year because of that whole month he was gone. Haha, that's what he gets.

Derek had made progress with his Mother and Father, he would drop smart ass comments here and there, but his parents just chose to ignore them.

April's also been doing good, she's been happy lately and I'm glad to, every once in a while she would go down hill, just from thinking.

But then she would think of Jamie and Quinn and how lucky she was to have them and how happy they are to have their mother back.

I've been good, happier then I ever was before. Dad had moved, I don't know where and I don't really care, Oh!! And I quit my job at the daycare, I almost hit a kid in the face.


Thank god it was only Drew picking up Jamie and Quinn. It seems that whenever I almost hit a kid, the knight brothers are there to take the hit.

Next time, Victim will be Dustin


Anyways, life's been good, Noah and Fletcher are waiting, the doctor says she'll come any day now. Yeah, their having a baby girl.

When Fletcher found out he fainted, like full on fainted. He became nervous and all that, because he was so set on having a boy.

Noah's been complaining lately, saying she cant wait to push this thing out. And guess whose the god mother? This chick

And Derek's the god father, I think their trying to be cupid or something, The reason that I'm god mother is because Noah loves me and plus she loves me.

Derek is the god father because he's Fletcher's best friend and it wouldn't be fair because Drew and Dustin are the uncles.     

"Stop moving." Derek mumbles, its 2:30pm and he's still asleep.

Sleepy Idiot

For some unknown reason, I'm in a fantastic mood today, I've been up since 6:30am. I got dressed in a blue sundress and my red converse. Cause you know, I'm awesome.

"Derek." I drawl out and lay down next to him, my hair sprawls out across his pillow as I stare up at the ceiling.

"I like it when you say my name." He says in a raspy voice from just waking up.

Holy hell that was incredibly sexy

I slap his arm and roll over on my side so that I'm facing him. His hair is a mess, but somehow it looks good on him.

He pecks my lips when my phone rings, I answer, putting the phone to my ear "Hello?" I ask.

"Its happening, Oh god I think I'm gonna faint." I hear Fletchers panicked voice scream into the phone.

I frown and respond with "Whats going on?"

"She's having the baby. BABY IS COMING." Fletcher shouts from the other line, I hold back a laugh, you can hear all the nervousness in his voice.

"Ok, Ok. We'll be there." I answer with a small laugh and with that I hang up quickly. Before I hung up I heard the nurse shouting for Fletcher. 

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