Kissing Scenes

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I don't understand why authors feel the need to have every kiss characters' share be passionate, steamy, and very, very suggestive. Not all kisses are like that in real life. You have cheek kisses, forehead kisses, and a quick peck on the lips. It's possible that these authors are uncomfortable with writing kissing scenes, so they make each one extremely detailed and special to make up for the lack of romantic gestures. It doesn't have to be that way, you know. 

The thing that bothers me is when two characters share a first kiss and the author writes it as:

"He leaned in slowly, pressing his lips to mine. Sparks seemed to fly everywhere, and it felt like we were true soulmates even though this was our first date. His tongue-"

Yeah, I should stop there. Seriously, stop with all the tongue actions. It's pretty disgusting unless it's suggesting that they're going to do something afterward. Other than that, it's cliche and honestly revolting. 

I honestly think that if a first kiss is written as awkward where the couple doesn't know what to do and they exchange laughs after, then that's cute and realistic. But if they just go in for it like a shark and they know exactly what to do, then that's annoying and unrealistic. Skip the whole "sparks flew" thing, you're not Pikachu.

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