Adopted By A Celebrity

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Do you know how many books are out there where the MC is adopted by a celebrity? Most likely infinite. There is no way that Harry Styles, who is 23 right now, will adopt a 16 year old girl abused by her parents. First of all, why is it always Harry Styles? Second, he isn't going to waltz into some orphanage out of nowhere, listen to a teenager's sob story, and then decide, "She's going to be my child." 

On behalf of Harry Styles and the other celebs who've had fanfictions written about them about adoption, they do not have the time to take care of a teen who should be able to take care of themselves by that age. A sixteen year old shouldn't need to have a story told to them every night, they shouldn't have tantrums in the middle of a store, and they definitely shouldn't be a spoiled brat. You want to write about that? Then make the MC a five year old, not a teenager for the love of god (not to offend any religious people.)

Also, some of these books take back three to four years ago, and at that time most celebs were only in their early 20's or even 19. At that age, I would be focusing on my education and career, not trying to find a child that's almost the same age as me. 

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QOTD: Favorite celeb/celebrity crush? Also, if you have requests for rants I haven't mentioned yet, leave them in the comments!

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