Chapter 19

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Okay guys here's the last update for the upcoming week! I'm busy with Finals but I hope that you liked the chapters I updated this weekend! 

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Love this photo of the guys! --->


The warm mattress I lay upon subsided, awaking me from my sweet sleep. The snuggly sheets enveloped my naked body like velvety arms of pure calamity, making me sigh blissfully. That was until I realized that I had a pair of actual arms around my waist, and snapped my eyes open.

I quickly recognized the somewhat medieval interior of Brian’s bedroom. A thin strip of sunlight spread on the dark parquet floor and reflected off the large mirror that stood in the corner, blinding me. I squeezed my eyes shut and turned away from the light. A sharp gasp escaped my mouth as I didn’t expect to find Brian’s eyes staring into mine.

“Morning.” He smiled sheepishly and caressed the curve of my waist with his large hand, making each bit of skin he touched tingle. Brian’s nose nuzzled mine before he planted a few gentle kisses to my lips.

I smiled against him, my hands finding the crooks of his neck as I kissed back just as daintily. I felt happy and invited. We pulled away and I bit my lip puckishly before caressing his neatly trimmed goatee with my thumb.

“I had fun tonight.” I propped myself up on my elbow and held the sheet against my chest, covering myself up while I studied his face.

I’ve known Brian for many years and I’ve around throughout all of his fazes and image changes. I’ve seen gothic Brian, alternative Brian, douchy pimp Brian, hedgehog Brian, I’ve seen them all. But I must admit that I preferred him best just the way his was then: makeupless, fresh faced with his hair down and a touch messy.

“So did I.” He smiled smugly and I felt his hand stroke my thigh up and down underneath the warm sheets. I chuckled and my loose curls slid down my shoulders and fell onto his bare chest. “You’re ridiculously beautiful.” Brian commented in dismay and carefully pushed my hair out of the way.

“Funny, I was just thinking that same thing about you.” I winked and an idea popped into my mind. “In fact, I think I’m going to have to document it.” I stated and looked around the room. My clutch lay on the floor on the other side of the room and I didn’t want to leave bed for it, so I settled for Brian’s phone, which lay on the bedside table.

“Yes, you may have permission.” Brian smirked sarcastically when I inserted his password and easily accessed his phone.

“Shut up, you’re so adorable.” I mumbled. “I need this picture taken.” I chuckled and aimed the camera at him, making sure his yummy chest was in the frame as well.

“You’re not putting this up online, are you?” Brian asked and I frowned, shaking my head.

“No, of course not.” I explained softly and squeezed his muscular bicep while adding some vintage affects to the photo. A squeal left my mouth when Brian playfully pulled me down onto the mattress and yanked the phone out of my grip.

“Then we should take another one.” He said against my shoulder blade and circled his arm around me so that he could turn my face closer to his and kiss me. I chuckled and he snapped the photo, which made my heart skip a few bits. “There, now I left my mark on you.” He smirked and tossed the phone aside while still holding me down with his bodyweight.

“Yeah, because we both know how possessive you are.” I commented, letting a small snort leave my throat.

He laughed against the back of my shoulder, “I don’t like to share.” Brian snickered and lightly grazed my shoulder blade with his teeth, sending visible goosebumps throughout my skin.

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