Chapter 11

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“Got kicked out, huh? Well I guess Saffy and Zack want some time for themselves, without having to babysit all of us…” I chuckled when Brian helped me by carrying my luggage to my door. “Shame it’s over, I loved the Caribbean.” I shrugged and watched him place my suitcases by my door. “Hey, thanks.” I smiled and tiptoed to hug him.

“No problem, neighbor.” He winked and I unlocked the door, pushing it open.  I chuckled and winked back.

“Wanna come in for some brunch? I bet all the decent food I have is a lousy pancake mix but hey, I’m a damn good cook.” I said temptingly. “You in for it?”

“You bet I am.” Brian said once we were inside my kitchen. “You know, I’m also in for something else, which requires much less effort.” His hands fell to my hips and he pulled me closer, inching towards me.

“Sounds great-“ I smiled against his lips and just as I was about to lean in further, the doorbell rang. I sprung up and pulled back. “Ooh, better get that, I’ll be right back!” I snickered, hurrying off to the door.

I stood on the tips of my toes and peeked through the door’s tiny lens. A rush of colder shivers ran down my back when I saw three suited men, looking quite stern and formal. I stood in silence, watching them for a few seconds.

I could hear Brian’s curious steps behind me and warningly pointed my finger at him, signaling he should stop right there. He obeyed and I sighed, opening the door.

“Sierra Noelle Reyes?” The tallest one asked me while I eyed all of them cautiously. “I’m Special Agent O'Loughlin of the FBI,” He introduced himself, “And these are-“

“Elliot Ford, US Marshals Service.” The one next to him said.

“Agent Turner, Interpol.” The third man introduced himself and I wish the ground would open up and swallow me whole.

“May I see your badges again, please?” I said, my voice patchy. They held their badges up again, they were legit.

“Sierra, what’s going on?” Brian asked when I stepped aside and let the men enter my living room.

“Brian, could you come by later?” I asked nervously, my heart racing the entire time.

“Wha-No! What are they all doing here? Why is the Interpol in your house?!” He pointed to the agents.

“Brian, please, just…I’m fine.” I sighed and tilted my head in the door’s direction.

“Sir, this is a delicate government matter, could you please exc-“ Brian huffed before the FBI agent could finish his sentence, and stormed out. I didn’t really care for his behavior, I had more important things on my mind.

“So, what is this about?” I asked nervously, my heart thumping inside of my chest because I aready knew the reason for their 'visit.'

“Well Ms. Reyes we are afraid that we have some bad news.” Special Agent O'Loughlin said, and as these words left his mouth, my heart almost stopped.  “We must inform you that last Thursday, around midnight, Erik Jogersen was murdered in his prison cell-“ My eyes threatened to pop out of their holes and I felt my body become covered with cold sweat.

“The M.O indicates that it was definitely not a result of conflict with a cell mate, it was an outside job, professionally done, very thorough.” The Interpol agent said heavily, and I had to sit down.

“What?! But how?! No one knows who he is! He’s overseas for god’s sake!” I exclaimed my hands shaky.

I had no more feelings for Erik, not after what he did to me. I was scared for myself, I thought I put that chapter of my life behind. But no, just when I found some peace and stopped living in feat, the past came to haunt me.

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