Chapter 5

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I love updating this but it's enough for today! Please vote and comment! <3


My eyes fluttered open as I was shaken awake by someone. I huffed and rubbed my eyes until my vision cleared up, soon met by a pair of kind, brown ones. "Buenos días, muchacha." Brian said jokingly.

I sprung up. “What are you doing in my bed?!” I exclaimed and quickly looked at my body. A sigh of relied left my throat when I discovered that I was still dressed. “Did know?” I gulped and watched Brian’s reaction nervously.

He just lay there, propped on his elbow and watched my curiously. “You tell me.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and I squinted.

“Brian wha-“ I was about to protest when the events of last night flashed through my mind. I must have had a pretty good night sleep if I managed to forget what had happened. “Tonto.” I muttered and pinched his inner arm harshly, making him churn.

“Aw I like it when you get feisty.” Brian laughed smugly and intentionally peeled the sheets of me, making me shiver from the air conditioner. “Did you know you mumbled in your slip? And giggle? It’s kinda cute.” He reached for the curve of my waist and pulled me closer, so I was lying on my side, facing him.

“It’s a nice change.” I smiled bitter sweetly and Brian’s smirk dropped, replaced by a sympathetic smile. The calloused tips of his slim, tattooed fingers went for my shoulder where they lightly brushed against my healed gunshot wound, making me look away instantly.

“Sia?” He asked in a much deeper, serious tone of voice.

“Mmm?” I hummed quietly, staring at the tattoos on his biceps to avoid eye contact.

“I’m really glad you made it.” He said softly and pushed away the strands of hair that fell onto my shoulder. His comment made my eyes water for some reason and it was the last thing I wanted him to see. “I honestly don’t know what I would have done if you...” He trailed off as goosebumps appeared on my skin underneath his fingers.

I shook my head and sniffled. Brian then changed his position and wrapped a strong, protective arm around me, pulling me against him. I rested my head on his toned, tanned chest and exhaled his scent, which made me feel at ease.

“You’re just being nice.” I mumbled against his skin and traced the curved of his abs with my fingernails, seeing the muscles flex to my touch.

“No, I’m not.” He said seriously and pushed his fingers into my hair, combing it away from my sad face. “You’re an amazing person and a friend without whom my life would never be complete. I care about you, a lot. It scared the hell out of me when that happened.” Brian said seriously and I felt a tear roll down my nose.

“I was more scared.” I whispered huskily. All those memories I tried suppressing clouded my mind, making me feel scared and vulnerable.The sounds of gunshot’s piercing my ears, the burning pain of the bullet cutting through my flesh, the numbness I felt as the strength slowly bled out of me, the screams, the all washed over me and there was nothing I wanted more than to curl into a corner and weep.

If it wasn’t for Brian’s protective embrace and the way his hands soothed up and down back, I would have probably broken down. “I’d kill that bastard with my own hands if he wasn’t dead already.” He hissed angrily and his heartbeat sped up underneath my ear, thumping like a drum.

I cringed and closed my eyes. “Brian I was so stupid. Everyone told me he was dangerous but...I was blinded, by love.” I said the last part disgustedly. “Everyone said I should run, but he was just flawless in my eyes-“ I whispered quietly, never having said that to anyone.

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