Dear Intruder,

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Dear Intruder,

Firstly, since you have somehow managed to get a hold of my ledger, I salute you. Secondly, please put it away and pretend as if this super confidential piece of my private life had never crossed your path in the first place. No, you know what you should do? Burn it down.

We are all human, which means that you have obviously gone on reading this. I’d do the same, because I’m a nosy little creature like that so I can’t blame you. If you happen to be a friend of mine (God forbid!) please be a sweetheart and put this notepad back where you found it, if you decide not to, then simply have the decency not to show it to anyone else.

In case you’re a completely random passerby who had decided to take a closer look into my personal life, I should probably introduce myself.

My name is Sierra Noelle Reyes (everyone calls me Sia though), a random girl from Orange County, California. You are more than welcome to Google my name but I can assure you in advance that nothing juicy will come up, except for a picture of me passed out on a bar counter at some random party.

Anyways, I honestly have no idea why I’m writing in this silly diary anyways. My therapist claims that I’m an introvert and constantly keep my emotions bottled up, and in order to find some relief for my alleged tension, he suggested I write down everything that happens to me over the following month. I beg to differ, I think that I’m perfectly sane and have no reason whatsoever to communicate with a piece of paper at the end of each day. Seems like a serious waste of ink to me…

What else could I tell you about myself? I’m 24 years old and I’m currently working as a senior makeup artist for M.A.C cosmetics. It might sound shallow and superficial to you but I love every second of it, what’s better than making people feel happy and beautiful?

I used to sing in an amateur girl punk band with a couple of friends back in the day and did a pretty good job if I may say so. My life took a serious turn when one day my best friend began dating Zachary Baker, who would later be known as the legendary guitarist Zacky Vengeance from the phenomenal band Avenged Sevenfold. Both our bands somehow merged into a giant group of close friends and we’ve been inseparable ever since.

Today they are celebrating five unforgettable years together and for some bizarre reason, they are flying all of us to the Caribbean along with them. And when I say all of us I mean every single member of our group.

To be honest this kind of sucks, because over the years they have all hooked up with one another, which means that I’m probably going to be neglected while the rest of the guys are busy being lovey-dovey and what not.

Oh well, what harm can it do? At least my latest tat has healed in time for the trip!

So yep, I think that’s enough rambling to myself for now. I should seriously go and do something useful with my time, like pack my bags for a change.

Duty calls! XOXO


Hi again everyone! Please let me know what you think of the story so far!

All the guys (except for Brian) are up for grabs (Including the Barrys!) so if you want to be in this story, PM me and send me the guy you want + your characters name and description!

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